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Department of Political Science, Duke University, NC 27708
Phone: (919) 660-4311, E-mail: georg.vanberg @


Journal Articles

Chapters in Edited Volumes

  • “The Rise and Protection of Judicial Independence.” With Ben Broman and Chris Ritter. In M. Tushnet and D. Kochenov (eds.). Elgar Handbook of Constitutional Law. Forthcoming, Edward Elgar.
  • “Constitutional Political Economy.” In C. Bjornskov and R. Jong-A-Pin (eds.). Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Choice. Forthcoming, Edward Elgar.
  • “Courts: A Historical Political Economy Perspective.” With Tom Clark. In J. Jenkins and J. Rubin (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy. 2023. Oxford University Press.
  • “Models of Coalition Politics: Recent Developments and New Directions.” In R. Franzese and L. Curini (eds.). Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations. 2020. SAGE Publications.
  • “Judicialization and the Political Executive.” In R.B. Andeweg, R. Elgie, L. Helms, K. Kaarbo, and F. Mueller-Rommel (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Political Executives. 2020. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • “Financial Crisis and Constitutional Compromise.” With Mitu Gulati. In Tom Ginsburg, Mark Rosen, and Georg Vanberg (eds). Constitutionalism in Times of Financial Crisis. 2019. Cambridge University Press.
  • “Introduction.” With Tom Ginsburg and Mark Rosen. In Tom Ginsburg, Mark Rosen, and Georg Vanberg (eds). Constitutionalism in Times of Financial Crisis. 2019. Cambridge University Press.
  • “The Least Dangerous Branch? Public Choice, Constitutional Courts, and Democratic Governance.” In Roger Congleton and Stefan Voigt (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Public Choice. 2019, Oxford University Press.
  • “Paper Tigers (or How Much Will Courts Protect Rights in a Financial Crisis?).” With Mitu Gulati. In F. Allen, E. Carletti, and M. Gulati (eds). Institutions and the Crisis. 2018. European University Institute.
  • “Politics, Polarization, and the U.S. Supreme Court.” With Moohyung Cho and Jason Todd. In Anna-Bettina Kaiser, Niels Petersen, and Johannes Saurer (eds.) The U.S. Supreme Court and Contemporary Constitutional Law: The Obama Era and Its Legacy. 2018. Nomos.
  • “Contractarian Perspectives in Law and Economics.” With Viktor Vanberg. In Francesco Parisi (ed.). Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics. 2017. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • “Gordon Tullock as a Political Scientist.” With Michael Munger. Constitutional Political Economy 2016: 194-213.
  • “Coalition Formation and Policymaking.” With Lanny Martin. In Jennifer Ghandi and Ruben Ruiz Ruffino (eds.). Handbook of Political Institutions. 2015. London: Routledge Press.
  • “Legislative Institutions and Coalition Government.” With Lanny Martin. In Thomas Saalfeld, Kaare Strom, and Shane Martin (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies. 2014. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • “Towards a (re-)integration of the social sciences: The Calculus of Consent at 50.” With Viktor Vanberg. Public Choice 152: 245-252.
  • “The Will of the People: A Comparative Perspective on Friedman.” Michigan State Law Review. 2010 (3): 717-728.
  • “Establishing and Maintaining Judicial Independence.” In Gregory Caldeira, Dan Keleman, and Keith Whittington (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Law and Politics. 2008. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • “John Marshall Has Made His Decision: Implementation, Transparency, and Public Support.” In Jon Bond, Roy Fleming, and James R. Rogers (eds.). Institutional Games and the Supreme Court. 2006. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
  • “Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und Gesetzgebung: Zum politischen Spielraum des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes.” In Phillip Manow and Steffen Ganghof (eds.). Mechanismen der Politik – Strategische Interaktion im Deutschen Regierungssystem. 2005. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.