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Synopsis – Design in Healthcare (Fall 2019)


Design in Healthcare I guides students through the process of human-centered design with the goal of developing a solution to a real-world, unmet need in healthcare. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Identify unmet, underserved, and unarticulated needs using human-centered qualitative contextual primary research methods such as ethnographic research,
  2. Apply commercial business criteria in order to select viable business opportunities,
  3. Use creative and research-based processes to generate and/or identify potential solutions, and
  4. Document their design process in accordance with regulations.


Course Description

Design in Healthcare I blends taught content with practical field application and team-based project execution in order to identify an opportunity for innovation in healthcare, develop and validate a suitable solution, and prepare a robust forward-looking business/product development strategy.

Students will work on teams combining the skills of ethnography, engineering, medical practice, and business know-how beginning with an immersion experience in the DUMC system and concluding with the prototyping of medical instrumentation, policy, or workflow solution.

There are no prerequisites, though prior enrollment in other Cultural Anthropology courses is encouraged.

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