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Eno is about connecting with the natural world through artistic media.

Submit your application here! We are accepting applications through February 16, 2025. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What can I submit?

Poems, short stories, essays, photos, and images of work such as ceramics, paintings, drawings, wire sculptor, etc. are all accepted, so long as they are related to the natural environment in some way. Be creative!


Guidelines for submission:

All entries must be your own work.


Short stories, Essays, Poems

Less than 1,000 words


Example Short Story With Example Photos from Issue 8: 

Example Poem from Issue 8: 


Photos and photos of work

Please provide high quality photographs or high quality scanned images. If you have issues submitting through our online application, please e-mail us the image along with your info to


Who can submit?

Anyone! Eno welcomes submissions from everyone, not just those associated with Duke.


When do I submit?

We are currently accepting submissions until March 11, 2022 for Issue 11!


How do I submit?

You will fill out an application which will be posting when we are accepting submissions.


When will I hear if my work has been accepted?

Notifications will go out by January 2025.


Do you pay people to write?

No, submitters provide their work for free.


What is eno’s legal policy regarding rights?

While eno will receive the rights to use your work for any current and future promotional materials, you will always receive credit. Additionally, you maintain your rights to use your work in the future as well. This means that eno does not restrict you from publishing your work in other outlets. However, you should always check with the organization, as they may have policies against accepting work that has already been published.


How much is a magazine?

Our magazine is free of charge and also available online here.

Photo by Kendall DeLyser