
  • Monday, October 21 – Trash Talk: Plastic Waste, Advanced Recycling, and Environmental Justice 
      • 12:30 pm at Law School Rm. 4045
      • Plastic waste disproportionately affects environmental justice communities and people living near plastic production and waste sites. Join the Environmental Law Society to learn from a panel of experts working to address the plastic waste crisis and protect vulnerable North Carolina residents. The panelists will include Grady O’Brien at North Carolina Conservation Network, Schulyer Mitchell at Truthout, and Dr. Imari Walker-Franklin at RTI International. Sponsored by the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability. Contact Caitlyn Leary at with any questions.
      • Please RSVP at
  • Friday, November 1 – Celebrate 50 Years of the Coastal Area Management Act
      • 9:00 am at Law School Rm. 3043
      • Join the Duke Law Environmental Law and Policy Forum for our annual symposium. This year, we will be celebrating 50 years of the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act by highlighting legal and scientific scholarship discussing coastal management.
      • Sponsored by DELPF. For more information, please contact Lauryn Khaw at
Check back for more events throughout the semester!