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The Cost of Delay: Evidence from the Ethereum Transaction Fee Market

by Yinhong “William” Zhao


Delaying a financial transaction can be costly, but the cost of delay is difficult to estimate in traditional
finance. I exploit the unique data offering and market design of the Ethereum blockchain to estimate the
cost of delaying financial transactions in decentralized finance (DeFi). I construct a dynamic auction
model for the Ethereum transaction fee market that relates users’ optimal transaction fee bids to their delay
cost functions and network conditions, and I structurally estimate the delay cost functions for different
users and transaction types. The average cost of delaying a transaction by one minute is 8.78 US dollars,
but the distribution of delay costs is highly skewed to the right. Delay costs are higher for complex
transactions and users who trade more frequently. I estimate that welfare loss due to network delay on
Ethereum was 14.03 million US dollars per day in July 2021, and I apply the delay cost estimates to
evaluate the welfare losses under alternative transaction fee mechanisms.

Campbell Harvey, Faculty Advisor
Michelle Connolly, Faculty Advisor

JEL Codes: D44; G10; L17;

View thesis


Undergraduate Program Assistant
Matthew Eggleston

Director of the Honors Program
Michelle P. Connolly