Oh boy.
Another article that made me think of Unis (I can’t imagine why): Four philosophical questions to make your brain hurt —Irene L.
Another article that made me think of Unis (I can’t imagine why): Four philosophical questions to make your brain hurt —Irene L.
So I started writing a brief thing about how I wish I were going back to Duke instead of working a boring job, and how amazing everything everyone’s doing sounds, but it turned into...
(Yoinked from The Snark Ascending, which I guess means, technically, that I can sue myself.) MY BIG FAT GREEK TRAGEDY I’m het up. There’s very little I can do about this, aside from daily...
N.B. I’ve begun cross-posting these (alongside other brand-spankin’-new, never-before-skimmed musings) over at my own web site, The Snark Ascending, where I can soliloquize with abandon on topics, such as flagrant indifference to the environment,...
We started off in the Willamette Valley and worked our way down to Glide, Oregon, the small rural town where I grew up. Rivers run through the valley and make their way through the...
Duke in New York and Random House. There’s so much to explain and talk about! I’m really looking forward to doing some kind of coffee/seminar about the book publishing world when I get back...
As a future Duke University student, I was getting pretty excited about attending my future school (Duke University). But that was before I became acquainted with the institution’s Cardinal Rule of Studentship: no illegal...
I’m rather surprised to find myself recommending an article in the Weekly Standard, but much of what John Noonan writes here is quite sensible. (Via Robert Farley at TAPPED.) The curriculum of the service...
Welcome to INTERuniTARY, a weblog for and by members of the University Scholars Program at Duke University.