USP Spring Symposium 2024
Duke University Scholars Program Presents: Autonomy & Autonomation: A Dialogue Between Us and Our Tools Saturday, March 2, 9:30 am – 2:00 pm Field Auditorium Grainger Hall Nicholas School of the Environment 9:30 am...
Duke University Scholars Program Presents: Autonomy & Autonomation: A Dialogue Between Us and Our Tools Saturday, March 2, 9:30 am – 2:00 pm Field Auditorium Grainger Hall Nicholas School of the Environment 9:30 am...
Matthew Reale-Hatem is a graduate student in the interdisciplinary University Program in Environmental Policy, focusing on environmental economics. As part of the Oceans@Duke interdisciplinary group, including faculty and students from the sciences, law, and...
I’ve fallen behind on puzzle posts, so look for another post near the end of this week. This set of three puzzles revolves around bad mathematics. Each puzzle is worth 1 point if answered...
Graduate Student and University Scholar, Meg Shea, was interviewed about her time as a first year student in the Physics Department. Meg comments on the structure of the program, her pursuit of vocation, and...
Belatedly, here’s the answer to Fall Semester Puzzle #2. This very complete solution method was submitted by Alex Oprea, who has kindly allowed me to share it. Also: Spring Puzzle Contest starts tomorrow (Tuesday...
Thanks to Matt Ross for sharing this link with me. I’ve posted here on the blog for folks to try their hands at during downtime. cheers, Tori
For our first USP seminar of Fall 2009, I decided to invite scholars and guests with a vested interest in health care to discuss the current crisis in the U.S. health care system. Ideally,...
I wish I had found this before the symposium: -Ian
Two interesting articles on two types of science crossover: Let’s Not Crowd Me, I’m Only a Scientist (Newsweek) Elevating Science, Elevating Democracy (NYT) —Irene L.
Hi Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed our meeting on Sunday as much as I did – it was so good to see so many of you there! Below, I’ve provided a summary of...