The Student National Medical Association is an entirely student run organization for medical students of color that focuses on supporting minority medical students and their endeavors around the country. Duke SNMA is a chapter within the larger organization of SNMA that engages a large number of minority medical students at Duke and individuals within the community of Durham, NC. Our mission at Duke SNMA is to enrich, empower, and enlighten the students of color here at Duke so that they may be not only leaders within the field of medicine, but also leaders within the community!
Our Programs
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[restab title=”Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program (HPREP)” active=”active”]
The Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP) is a pipeline program that mentors, develops, and exposes high school students interested in healthcare to the biomedical and health sciences. Facilitated by Duke medical students and faculty, high school students benefit from a variety of interactions with health professionals, guidance in professional development, team-building activities and more. SNMA volunteers facilitate weekly Saturday sessions starting in the late winter/early spring.
Find out more at our website for HPREP:
[restab title=”Martin Luther King Jr. Annual Banquet”]
The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Banquet, or MLK Banquet, is one of the signature events on the Duke SNMA calendar. It is an opportunity to honor the Civil Rights movement and those, such as Dr. King, who worked to end social injustices, not only in health disparities but throughout all areas of American and global society. It is also a time of reflection for how far we have come and how much work is yet to be done. The MLK Banquet is also a premier fundraiser for scholarships awarded to high school students in the Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP) and the Minority Association for Pre-Health Students (MAPS).[/restab]
[restab title=”Minority Association of Pre-Health Students (MAPS)”]
MAPS is a premier SNMA pipeline and mentorship program whose main goal is to increase the number of physicians of color in medicine. Duke SNMA is committed to mentoring undergraduate students at Duke University, North Carolina Agriculture & Technical State University, and North Carolina Central University MAPS chapters to facilitate mentorship, provide resources, and ultimately guide these future doctors into medicine.
Find out more about MAPS at: