Happy Health Policy Week! From 1/24-1/28, there will be a myriad of activities and events to engage Duke SCOHP, Margolis, and general students in various healthcare policy related opportunities. See below for the schedule of events!



Led by: Devan Desai and Pratamesh Ramasubramanian

Today we focus on introducing the field of health policy to those who are curious about exploring the topic but don’t know where to start. Health policy is often a new field for college students; as a field, it focuses on how care is delivered and accessed.

There are so many resources and opportunities to explore health policy at Duke and today SCOHP will release an infographic and resource master doc to help students find out where to start.

Access our resource master doc of health policy opportunities at Duke HERE

Find out more about health policy from our intro to health policy infographic HERE

Join us for the Duke Margolis Open House at 5:00 pm on Zoom


Register here: tinyurl.com/hpw2022 


Led by: Adrian Caiazzo

Tuesday will center around healthcare in the United States: the types of healthcare, how much is spent, and who pays. The United States spends more money on healthcare than any other nation, yet many who live in this country are uninsured. Understanding the cost of healthcare in this country is crucial to finding ways to reduce this cost and provide healthcare to more people.

Dr. Peter Ubel, professor of Business, Public Policy, and Medicine, will lead a talk about these topics, with a brief Q&A portion following.

In addition, we will be posting a podcast episode about the fragmentation of medicine, and how this drives up the cost of healthcare, as well as possible solutions.

Listen to our new podcast about the balkanization of medicine HERE.

Join SCOHP and Dr. Ubel for a conversation about healthcare costs and the price of life at 7:00 pm on Zoom. 

Join here: duke.zoom.us/j/96414112793 





Led by: Neha Shaw

Wednesday we will focus in on the interactions between technology, innovation, and policy when combating social and cultural barriers to accessing optimal reproductive healthcare.

Members of SCOHP, SHAPE, and Project, Period. will be on the BC Plaza having conversations about reproductive health issues throughout the day.

During Health Policy Week 2022, members of SCOHP, SHAPE, and Progress Period collaborated to organize a screening of “The (In)visible Organ documentary. The documentary details the work of a Duke lab to increase access to cervical cancer prevention measures. After the documentary, members had a Q&A and discussion as we work together to break down reproductive health barriers on campus and in our community. Thank you to SHAPE and Progress Period for their help in organizing this event!




Led by: Freya Gulamali

Health Innovation Day centers around a central question—how can we promote innovation while protecting patient safety? In a rush to develop new technologies in biotechnology and artificial intelligence, it is essential that policy is developed simultaneously to regulate the accuracy, safety, and fairness of these technologies, ensuring that they serve the best interest of the people they were created to help.

Dr. Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup, Director of Real World Evidence at the Margolis Center, will host a virtual session on this central theme of balancing innovation with safety, focusing on one solution to this challenge. We will also be providing an infographic about FATML, fairness, accountability, and transparency in machine learning, and how we can ensure that machine learning models work for everyone, irrespective of race or gender.

Learn more about fairness, accountability and transparency in machine learning from our infographic HERE.

Join SCOHP and Dr. Hendricks-Sturrup for a conversation about balancing health innovation with safety at 5:00 pm on Zoom. 


Join here: duke.zoom.us/j/94084105963 





Led by: Jordan Reaves

Today we focus on LGBTQ+ health policy. We will be addressing issues about access to care, and insurance issues surrounding transgender health. This is a very important topic considering discrimination against LGBTQ+ people is not illegal in most places, and we are seeing moves to make it explicitly legal.

There’s a lot to learn about this topic, and we hope you’ll get something out of our materials. We have an infographic about discrimination in healthcare with resources about how to advocate for change. We also will be posting a podcast episode about issues trans people may face in getting the insurance coverage they need. Access our infographic about the lack of access to healthcare for LGBTQ+ people HERE.


Listen to our new podcast about insurance and transgender health HERE.