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There are many ways to be a part of Duke PCM+


Start of the Semester Game Night


Sunday, August 25th


Abele Quad (right by the shuttle bus stop on West Campus and in front of the Chapel)

Games, pizza, and beverages to ease into a new school year and meet the PCM+ campus minister. Bring anyone you want to come hang out!


Weekly Dinner and Contemplative Worship: Dinner Church


Sunday nights during the academic year – Chapel Kitchen (in the Chapel basement)

Our worship gathering occurs around a dinner table including prayer, singing, scripture readings, time for conversation while we eat a home-cooked meal, a sharing of some faith reflection, and communion. As we gather together to worship God through Dinner Church, we remember the night Jesus sat at a table with his disciples, broke bread with them, taught them, and loved them. Every aspect of Dinner Church is invitational – participate for all of it, some of it, or simply observe as you feel comfortable. Vegetarian and GF dinner options will always be available at our gatherings, but contact our campus minister if you have an additional dietary need that we can make sure we have met for you!

You don’t have to be Presbyterian or UCC to join us for worship or any other PCM+ event. Whether you are a person of deep faith, don’t really know where you stand these days, simply curious about Christian spirituality, or somewhere in-between, come join us at any part of the academic year. 


Bible Study


Wednesday nights at 7pm

Chapel Basement lounge

Come-as-you-can Bible study is casual, fun, full of questions and a great way to dive into scripture for the first time or the hundredth!



LGBTQ+ Small Group


If interested, email campus minister at for more details

This is a small group for any LGBTQ+ Christian undergraduate student wanting to discuss faith, sexuality, and gender in a safe environment. 






Office Hours

Monday-Thurs: 1pm-4pm

Drop by the PCM+ office in the basement of the Chapel (room 036) to rest, pray, chat, check out the books on the shelves, and/or do some school work. Snacks are always available in the office during office hours!




Fall and Spring Retreats



We typically have two retreats each academic year: a day long retreat in the fall and a weekend long retreat in the spring for Easter. Retreats are opportunities to get off campus, decompress, and deepen relationships with one another and God. 



One-on-One Appointments 

If you would like to speak one-on-one with our campus minister, Jackie, about anything that’s on your mind (PCM+ regular or not), feel free to email to schedule a time to do so:


Regular service and fellowship opportunities also spring up throughout the year. Make sure to add yourself to our email listserv to find out what, when, and where 🙂

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