(The Call for Proposals is now closed.)
2020 Duke Language Symposium
Innovative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching
Friday, February 28, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Duke University
The Duke Language Symposium brings together scholars, students, and practitioners across disciplines to explore innovative practices in language learning and teaching. For this inaugural symposium, we invite proposals that present original pedagogical practices, theoretical position papers, and/or classroom-based research that engage with world languages in areas including, but not limited to:
- Developing and using instructional materials in the classroom
- Classroom discourse and teacher/learner language
- Technology and gamification
- Teaching for intercultural understanding
- Use of the L1, translanguaging, and the role of translation
- Building learning communities in and outside the classroom
- Supporting heritage and advanced language learners
- Innovations in language/study abroad experiences
- Raising awareness of linguistic diversity and multilingualism
- Language teacher education and professional development
Duke language faculty of all ranks and graduate students are invited to submit proposals. Proposals on all languages taught at Duke are welcome. The presentations will be 30 minutes (20 presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A). You may submit multiple presentation proposals. However, only one presentation acceptance per person will be allowed to ensure maximum participation. Registration is free. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to registered attendees.
Please e-mail your proposal to dukesymposiumlanguages@gmail.com by December 6, 2019 with the subject line “Duke Language Symposium Proposal.” Please include the following information:
- Title of presentation
- 250-300-word proposal describing the scope and methodology of the presentation (Note: Proposals will be blindly adjudicated using the rubric below. Please consult the rubric in writing your proposal.)
- Presenter name(s), institutions and departments, titles, and e-mails
Acceptance notifications for the symposium will be e-mailed in late December.
This symposium is sponsored by the Trinity Language Council.