Three Duke medical students — Jerry Lee, the presenter, Morgan Hardy, and Julie Rivo — all mentored in the Duke Outpatient Clinic (DOC) including their co-authors Marigny Bratcher and Natasha Cunningham, gave a truly excellent presentation during an opening plenary session at SGIM 2016. Their topic was the “Duke Hotspotting Initiative (DHSI): Integrating Medical Education with Community-Based Care Coordination.”
We read tweets (33 at last count) with kudos like:
“Strong showing by medical students in the plenary gives so much hope the future!”
by Dr. Susan Merel, Seattle, WA @SusanMerel
“Student with their tremendous abundance of time+energy can contribute to pop health #hotspotting #SGIM16 @DukeHealth”
by Dr. Albert Wu, Johns Hopkins @withyouDrWu
“Medical Students provide ‘hotspotting’ make us #ProudtobeGIM at #SGIM16”
by Dr. Adina Kalet, NYU @AKaletMD (This one prompted 6 retweets and 4 likes!)
The student presentation informs us about “Hotspotting” which was pioneered by Dr. Jeffrey Brenner, a primary care physician. Don’t forget the article by Atul Gawande titled “The Hot Spotters” in the New Yorker. In the clinic it’s about identifying the high users of healthcare, using the information for targeted interventions which are often non-medical and that means coordinating care across specialty services, ensuring transportation, and apply for social support services.
Read more in the GIM blog about these up and coming stars, from our earlier post: Med Students open plenary session at #SGIM16.