Rubin receives 2015 Education Award

Rubin 3Annually the Department of Medicine names an individual from each division to receive an award for excellence in education. Accompanying this recognition is a $5000 gift! This year’s beneficiary in GIM is Dr. Sharon Rubin, a clinician-educator and Assistant Professor of Medicine.

Dr. Rubin directs the ambulatory internal medicine residency program for Duke@Pickett Road. She is remarkably accomplished at several levels including contributions to Duke’s Ambulatory Care Leadership Tract and to the ACP programs both in NC and nationally. In October 2015 she will join others from Duke for a “Teach the Teachers” workshop at the International Consortium of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (CLIC). Dr. Rubin aspires to be a leader in curriculum education for primary care. She is well on her way!

Read more about Dr. Rubin from her GIM eNews Spotlight last year.