Duke O’Brien Center for Kidney Research Calling for Proposals

img-dock-logoThe Clinical and Translational Core (CTC) of the Duke O’Brien Center for Kidney Research (DOCK) is sponsoring projects the interrelationships among kidney disease, hypertension and/or heart disease. Priorities for this year include aging, health disparities and implementation.

While the DOCK can’t provide effort support for principal investigators, it can provide other resources that may help faculty complete a small project and/or generate preliminary data. The CTC can provide project management support including IRB submission; statistical and data analysis support; help gaining access to databases and sample repositories; and vouchers for up to $20,000.

This funding may be available even for faculty members working in areas unrelated to kidney disease, hypertension or heart disease if there are relevant research questions that involve those conditions. For more information visit the Duke Kidney Center’s website or contact Laura Svetkey, MD (Laura Svetkey@dm.duke.edu) Or Uptal Patel, MD (Uptal.Patel@dm.duke.edu).