DHTS Now Supporting Duke/GIM Computer and IT Needs

Effective April 7, 2014, Duke Health Technology Services (DHTS) is now supporting all Duke/GIM computer and IT needs. All computer and IT problems should be submitted using the instructions below. For VA computers and issues, continue to submit your request through the VA as you have in the past.

The directions for submitting a ticket are below, please note you will need to be connected to the Duke network to submit a ticket through the web.
1. Click on the following link: https://intranet.dm.duke.edu/dhts/coo/supportoperations/acadsupport/SitePages/RequestHelp.aspx
2. Enter the requested information for all fields.
3. For department, select General Internal Medicine
4. For support person, select Frank Currin.
5. In the summary, include all the details of the problem you are having, including any times you are available.
6. Press submit and the ticket will be processed and delivered to our group for support.
7. If you are off the network you can always call our help desk at 684-2243, or log in through VPN and get to our site.

If you have an urgent request, please call the DHTS help desk at 684-2243.

For more information, email Lisa Wright at Lisa.Wright@duke.edu.

Thank you for your patience.