# Diffusion simulation models in R
# Author: Jake Fisher
# This lab will focus on how to simulate a diffusion process in R. We will
# cover:
# - Setting up a diffusion simulation
# - Changing different parameter settings
# - Presenting the results
# Following best practices, we begin by setting up the workspace
rm(list = ls())
setwd("C:/Users/fishe/Box Sync/Home Folder jcf26/SNH2017/Instructor dropbox")
# Dedicated diffusion packages
# Typically, the purpose of a diffusion simulation is to illustrate the effects
# of a new diffusion process, or a new type of network structure, on the
# ultimate results of a diffusion process. As such diffusion simulations are
# highly variable -- after all, the point for each one is to show something new!
# However, despite the variability, most diffusion simulations build on a
# common set of building blocks:
# - an underlying network structure,
# - a transmission process, and
# - a running timer.
# In essence, we are defining an algorithm, or a set of rules, for how people
# get "infected" with a social contagion, and looking at how those rules perform
# under differnt conditions.
# To illustrate this, I will show a few examples of diffusion models. These are
# just an introduction to what you can do; the sky is the limit!
##### Example 1: Disease epidemics ####
# The most straightforward and common use for a diffusion simulation is to
# simulate an epidemic spreading through a population. Some examples of this
# include:
# Moody, James. 2002. "The Importance of Relationship Timing for Diffusion."
# Social Forces 81(1):25-56.
# Merli, M.Giovanna, James Moody, Joshua Mendelsohn, and Robin Gauthier. 2015.
# "Sexual Mixing in Shanghai: Are Heterosexual Contact Patterns Compatible
# With an HIV/AIDS Epidemic?" Demography 52(3):919-42.
# In the example here, we will simulate an epidemic spreading through a random
# network. This roughly approximates a "random mixing" scenario, where people
# interact randomly.
# To simulate random mixing, we construct the following rules:
# 1. Set up a world with a fixed number of people and a small fraction of
# initial infections, arranged randomly as a network
# 2. Pick an edge at random
# 3. If the edge is discordant (a susceptible-infected connection), flip a coin
# to determine whether the non-infected person gets infected
# 4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until everyone is infected, or until a certain number
# of steps has passed
# First, in our simple example, let's set our parameters ahead of time
n.people <- 100
p.infection <- 0.5
pct.starting.infected <- 0.01
max.time <- 5000
contact.rate <- 0.05 / 2 # prob. of contact between any 2 people in the network
### Step 1: Set up world ###
# Create a random graph, where edges are placed randomly. This is called a
# Bernoulli or an Erdos-Renyi random graph
net <- rgraph(n = n.people, tprob = contact.rate) %>%
symmetrize %>% # Make symmetric -- doesn't matter who is connected to who
network(matrix.type = "adjacency") # convert to statnet
# Chose a subset of people who are infected initially
infected <- sample(
x = c(T, F), # people can be infected (T) or susceptible (F)
size = n.people, # create a vector that is n.people long
replace = T, # with replacement, so that >1 person can be infected
prob = c(pct.starting.infected, 1 - pct.starting.infected)
### Step 2: Choose an edge ###
# For each step, we're going to choose an edge at random, and then, if the edge
# is discordant, flip a coin to determine whether the susceptible person gets
# infected.
# First, create an edgelist...
el <- as.edgelist(net) %>%
as.data.frame %>%
set_names(value = c("from", "to")) %>%
# ... attach the values of infected...
mutate(from.infected = infected[from], to.infected = infected[to],
# ... and create a discordant variable
discordant = (from.infected != to.infected))
# Next, choose an edge at random
random.edge <- sample(nrow(el), size = 1)
# Check if the edge is discordant
el[random.edge, "discordant"] # it's not, so we do nothing.
# For the example, I'm going to speed this up by choosing a discordant edge
discordant.edge <- sample(which(el$discordant), size = 1)
### Step 3: Flip a coin to see if the person gets infected ###
# Now, flip a coin to see if the uninfected person gets infected
el[discordant.edge, ] # Person 62 is the suceptible, but we will want to be
# able to determine that without looking manually
# A little tricky indexing to pull out the ID of the susceptible person...
who.susceptible <- with(
el[discordant.edge, ],
c(from, to)[!c(from.infected, to.infected)]
# Flip the coin to determine if infection spreads (it does)
(infected[who.susceptible] <- sample(c(T, F), size = 1,
prob = c(p.infection, 1 - p.infection)))
### Step 4: Repeat ###
# To repeat this process, we actually embed steps 1 and 2 in a loop.
# Set up a list with the output
infections <- vector(length = max.time, mode = "list")
# Save what we already did as the first iteration
infections[[1]] <- infected
# Quick aside -- what did we create?
# Drop the "from.infected", "to.infected", and "discordant" columns from el,
# because they'll actually change with every iteration
el %<>% select(-from.infected, -to.infected, -discordant)
# Next, run the loop
for (t in 2:max.time) {
infections[[t]] <- infections[[t - 1]]
# Pick an edge at random
random.edge <- sample(nrow(el), size = 1)
# If the edge is discordant, flip a coin to decide if the infection spreads
if (with(el[random.edge, ],
infections[[t]][from] != infections[[t]][to])) {
who.susceptible <- with(
el[random.edge, ],
c(from, to)[!c(infections[[t]][from], infections[[t]][to])]
infections[[t]][who.susceptible] <- sample(
c(T, F),
size = 1,
prob = c(p.infection, 1 - p.infection)
# Now we have a list of who was infected at what time point. Let's combine
# that into a data.frame, so we can work with it more easily
(results <- infections %>%
lapply(FUN = as.data.frame) %>%
lapply(FUN = set_names, value = "infected") %>%
bind_rows(.id = "t") %>%
mutate(id = rep(1:network.size(net), times = max.time),
t = as.integer(t)) %>%
# This dataset is the raw results of our simulation, but it's usually easier to
# look at a summary. Let's look at the number of people infected over time
infections.by.time <- results %>%
group_by(t) %>%
summarize(n.infections = sum(infected)) %>%
mutate_each(funs(as.numeric), t, n.infections)
# Aside: in R, there are many ways to solve the same problem. We could have
# gone directly from the raw data to the summaries using the apply functions:
# infections.by.time <- data.frame(
# t = 1:max.time,
# n.infected = sapply(infections, sum)
# )
# Plotting this relationship shows the
qplot(data = infections.by.time, x = t, y = n.infections, geom = "line")
# Or, alternatively, we could look at whether people who are more central
# are infected sooner
time.to.infection <- results %>%
group_by(id) %>%
summarize(time.infected = min(t[infected])) %>%
arrange(id) %>%
mutate(indegc = degree(net))
ggplot(time.to.infection, aes(x = indegc, y = time.infected)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm")
# For fun, let's plot a few slices of the network in time
net.layout <- ggnetwork(net) %>%
rename(id = vertex.names)
net.layout.by.time <- split(results, f = results$t) %>%
lapply(FUN = right_join, y = net.layout, by = "id") %>%
net.layout.by.time %>%
filter(t %in% c(1, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000)) %>%
ggplot(aes(xend = xend, yend = yend, x = x, y = y)) +
geom_edges(color = "lightgray") +
geom_nodes(aes(color = infected)) +
facet_wrap(~ t) +
# We could animate this with gganimate... but it doesn't work on R v. 3.4. See
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jalapic/rmeetup_examples/master/ggnetwork_gganimate.R
# for example code.
# The statnet team developed a new package, called EpiModel, to simplify running
# epidemic diffusion models. Tutorials are online here:
# http://www.epimodel.org/, and we'll walk through one to illustrate.
# Set the parameters ahead of time
param <- param.icm(
inf.prob = 0.2, # probability of contracting an infection in a step
act.rate = 0.25 # speed with which people interact
init <- init.icm(
s.num = 500, # number of people who are infected initially
i.num = 1 # number of people who are susceptible initially
control <- control.icm(
type = "SI", # type of model, vs., e.g., SIR or SIS
nsims = 10, # number of simulations to run
nsteps = 300 # number of steps per simulation
# Run the model. ICM means individual contact model (vs. a deterministic model,
# where the results are determined by a set of differential equations)
mod <- icm(param, init, control)
# Now we can look at some summaries of the model
# Look at the state of the model at a particular time slice
summary(mod, at = 125)
# Look at a dataset with the state of the model at a given time
mod %>%
as.data.frame(mod = "mean") %>%
# Get a plot of the number of infections by time
# We can customize the plot, showing the individual simulations, for example
plot(mod, y = "i.num", sim.lines = TRUE, mean.smooth = FALSE,
qnts.smooth = FALSE)
# The package is quite flexible. It can incorporate demographic changes,
# different network structures, and even custom functions for each of the
# components of the model (like different mortality schedules). Check the
# website for more examples of how to do this.
##### Example 2: Diffusion of innovations #####
# The second example is the diffusion of innovations. The process by which
# innovations spread is less well-understood. We usually simulate it with a
# process that's very similar to diseases diffusing.
# In this case, we will focus on a "complex contagion", meaning something you
# have to hear about from multiple people before you will adopt it.
# Setup
# 1. Construct a small world network
# 2. Choose one person at random, and set him/her and his/her neighbors as
# initial adopters
# 3. Infect all the people who have more than tau neighbors infected
# 4. Set the people who were infected at the previous round as "recovered"
# 5. Repeat steps
### Set parameters in advance ###
n <- 50
tau <- 2 / 6
max.time <- 50
### Step 1: Construct network ###
# Construct a small world network
sw.net <- igraph::sample_smallworld(1, n, 2, p = .2) %>%
### Step 2: Choose a person & neighbors at random as an initial adopter ###
# Set up vector to indicate adoption
adopters <- rep(F, n)
# Choose a person at random
initial.adopter <- sample(seq_len(n), size = 1)
# Get the list of people they're attached to
initial.neighbors <- get.neighborhood(sw.net, initial.adopter)
# Set them all as "adopters"
adopters[c(initial.adopter, initial.neighbors)] <- T
### Step 3: infect all people who have more than tau neighbors infected ###
# Let's look at one person, person 18, to see how this works
ego.extract(sw.net, ego = 20, neighborhood = "out")
# Person 18 hasn't adopted
# About half of their neighbors have adopted
adopters[c(18, 19, 22, 25)]
mean(adopters[c(18, 19, 22, 25)])
# To decide whether the person adopts, we test whether the fraction of
# adopters is greater than tau
mean(adopters[c(18, 19, 22, 25)]) >= tau # adoption!
# We can update everyone simultaneously using matrix multiplication
adj.mat <- sw.net[, ]
diag(adj.mat) <- 0 # set the diagonal to 0, b/c people don't weight themselves
# We could take the sum...
adj.mat %*% adopters
#... or the percentage
(adj.mat.rn <- adj.mat / rowSums(adj.mat))
adj.mat.rn %*% adopters
# And then we calculate the people who are above our threshold
(adj.mat.rn %*% adopters) >= tau
# Note that this actually allows people to abandon the innovation if enough of
# of their neighbors are not adopters. For now we don't want that to happen,
# so we'll only test people who are not yet adopters
ifelse(adopters, TRUE, ((adj.mat.rn %*% adopters) >= tau))
### Step 4: Repeat ###
# Again, we can take care of this by wrapping it in a loop
adopt <- vector(mode = "list", length = max.time)
adopt[[1]] <- adopters
for (t in 2:max.time) {
adopt[[t]] <- ifelse(adopters, TRUE, ((adj.mat.rn %*% adopt[[t - 1]]) >= tau))
# Note that again we get the characteristic S-shaped curve:
t = 1:max.time,
n.adopt = sapply(adopt, sum)
) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = t, y = n.adopt)) +
# Let's plot a few frames
sw.net.layout <- ggnetwork(sw.net) %>%
rename(id = vertex.names)
sw.net.layout.by.time <- adopt %>%
lapply(FUN = as.data.frame) %>%
lapply(FUN = set_names, value = "adopter") %>%
lapply(FUN = mutate, id = 1:n) %>%
lapply(FUN = right_join, y = sw.net.layout, by = "id") %>%
bind_rows(.id = "t") %>%
mutate(t = as.integer(t))
sw.net.layout.by.time %>%
filter(t < 10) %>%
ggplot(aes(xend = xend, yend = yend, x = x, y = y)) +
geom_edges(color = "lightgray") +
geom_nodes(aes(color = adopter)) +
facet_wrap(~ t) +
# There's a new package for analyzing the diffusion of innovations. It focuses
# mainly on creating survival models for diffusion data (and has a different
# data structure) so we won't cover it here. But it's well worth checking out
# the vignette:
##### Example 3: Averaging ideas #####
# A third common approach use for diffusion simulation is to suggest how
# people's beliefs change through interaction with others. A longstanding
# assumption is that people take the weighted average of their friends.
# Set the parameters in advance
self.weight <- 0.2
max.time <- 5
# Load the data and save a few values for convenience
n.people <- network.size(add.health)
attitude <- (add.health %v% "faux.attitude")
adj.mat <- add.health[, ] # save the adjacency matrix to its own object
# Plotting the network shows that attitude values are randomly distributed in
# this network
net.layout <- ggnetwork(add.health)
p <- ggplot(net.layout, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
geom_edges(color = "lightgray",
arrow = arrow(length = unit(6, "pt"), type = "closed")) +
theme_blank() +
scale_color_distiller(palette = "Spectral")
p + geom_nodes(aes(color = faux.attitude), size = 4)
# In general, we assume that people update their attitude using the average of
# their neighbors' opinions, and their own opinion. For example, person 3 names
# 4 friends: people 6, 29, 34, and 40
ego.extract(add.health, ego = 3, neighborhood = "out")
# Those people have 4, 2, 3, and 2 as their attitudes
attitude[c(6, 29, 34, 40)]
# Their mean value is 2.75
mean(attitude[c(6, 29, 34, 40)])
# Then we assume that people take the weighted average of their own attitudes
# and their friends' attitudes
self.weight * attitude[3] + (1 - self.weight) * mean(attitude[c(6, 29, 34, 40)])
# We could repeat this for everyone individually, but this can actually be done
# by matrix multiplication, which makes it much easier to program.
# First, we have to row-normalize (set rows so that they sum to 1 by dividing
# each row by its sum) the adjacency matrix
diag(adj.mat) <- 0 # set the diagonal to 0
(adj.mat.rn <- adj.mat / rowSums(adj.mat)) # note the missing values!
# Isolates => dividing by 0
# NaN does not play nicely with other values, so swap it for 0 in the row-
# normalized matrix.
adj.mat.rn[which(is.nan(adj.mat.rn), arr.ind = T)] <- 0
# In general, we assume that isolates do not change under this model.
# Mechanically, we can either remove them from the analysis or we can set their
# self-weights to 1.
# Identify outdegree isolates
isos <- (degree(add.health, cmode == "outdegree") == 0)
# Set self-weights to 1:
self.weight.vec <- rep(self.weight, times = n.people)
self.weight.vec[isos] <- 1
# Remove isolates
self.weight.no.iso <- self.weight.vec[!isos]
adj.mat.no.iso <- adj.mat.rn[!isos, !isos]
attitude.no.iso <- attitude[!isos]
# Now run the simulation...
# ... with self-weights of isolates = 1
I <- diag(n.people) # identity matrix
SW <- diag(self.weight.vec) # diagonal matrix with self-weights on diagonal
(adj.mat.rn %*% (I - SW) + SW) %*% attitude
# ... removing the isolates
I.no.iso <- diag(sum(!isos))
SW.no.iso <- diag(self.weight.vec[!isos])
(adj.mat.no.iso %*% (I.no.iso - SW.no.iso) + SW.no.iso) %*% attitude.no.iso
# Similarly to the other simulations, we can repeatedly perform this procedure
# using a for loop:
sim.attitude <- vector(mode = "list", length = max.time)
sim.attitude[[1]] <- attitude
for (t in 2:max.time) {
sim.attitude[[t]] <- (adj.mat.rn %*% (I - SW) + SW) %*% sim.attitude[[t - 1]]
# Now let's plot the values by time, to show how the diffusion process unfolds
# Convert each list element to a data frame that ggplot can use, & combine them
layout.with.attitudes <- sim.attitude %>%
lapply(FUN = as.data.frame) %>%
lapply(FUN = set_names, value = "attitude.value") %>%
lapply(FUN = mutate, vertex.names = seq_len(n.people)) %>%
lapply(FUN = right_join, y = net.layout, by = "vertex.names") %>%
bind_rows(.id = "iteration")
# Plot it, with facets to show how this changes over each iteration
p %+%
layout.with.attitudes +
geom_nodes(aes(color = attitude.value), size = 4) +
facet_wrap(~ iteration)
# A package that's under development, latentnetDiffusion, takes care of the
# matrix multiplication and reshaping of the data for you
# For example, to run the same simulation as above, use:
(sim.attitudes.2 <- degroot(W = add.health, Y = as.matrix(attitude),
all.iter = T, self.weight = 0.8) %>%
tidyDegroot(id = seq_len(n.people)) )
# Or, we can fit a latent space model, and simulate the diffusion process over
# the latent space:
# fit <- latentnet::ergmm(add.health ~ euclidean(d = 2)) # takes a minute!
# save(fit, file = "ergmm_2d_fit.Rdata")
(ls.attitudes <- ergmmDegroot(fit, Y = as.matrix(attitude), simulate = F,
all.iter = T) %>%
tidyDegrootList(id = seq_len(n.people)))
# Plot it, to show the difference
layout.with.ls.attitudes <- ls.attitudes %>%
rename(vertex.names = id) %>%
{split(., f = .$iteration)} %>%
lapply(FUN = right_join, y = net.layout, by = "vertex.names") %>%
bind_rows(.id = "iteration")
p %+%
layout.with.ls.attitudes +
geom_nodes(aes(color = pred.value), size = 4) +
facet_wrap(~ iteration)
# The same model, simulated:
(ls.attitudes.sim <- ergmmDegroot(fit, Y = as.matrix(attitude), simulate = T,
all.iter = T) %>%
tidyDegrootList(id = seq_len(n.people)))
# Plotted again
layout.with.ls.attitudes.sim <- ls.attitudes.sim %>%
rename(vertex.names = id) %>%
{split(., f = .$iteration)} %>%
lapply(FUN = right_join, y = net.layout, by = "vertex.names") %>%
bind_rows(.id = "iteration")
p %+%
layout.with.ls.attitudes.sim +
geom_nodes(aes(color = pred.value), size = 4) +
facet_wrap(~ iteration)