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              #Social Networks and Health Training Program
#Descriptive Network Analyses
#Jonathan H. Morgan and Molly Copeland

  #Acton's and Jasny's Statnet Tutorial:
  #Wasserman and Faust's (1994) book, Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications

#Clearing Old Data
rm(list = ls())


library (plyr)
library (dplyr)
library (tidyr)
#library (igraph)                                 igraph and sna packages are not compatible. Run one or the other.

#To get get more information about the sna and statnet packages
#The statnet package draws on the sna package to compute the majority of its descriptive network statistics.
help(package = sna)
help(package = statnet)


#Look for an icon in your task bar to select today's data set: ahs_wpvar.csv
#I chose this import strategy because particpants may have varying levels of familiarity with the computer they are using.

#   Creating School 7's Edgelist and Nodelist   # 


#Step 1: Subsetting AHS_WPVAR to Isolate Schools
AHS_Edges <- AHS_WPVAR %>% 
  #Step 1: Selecting Variables of Interest 
  select(ego_nid, mfnid_1:mfnid_5, ffnid_1:ffnid_5, 
         commcnt) %>% 
  #Step 2: Filtering to keep only community 7
  filter(commcnt == 7)

#Step 3: Gathering Columns to Create a Long Data Set
AHS_Edges <- AHS_Edges %>% 
  gather(Alter_Label, value, mfnid_1:mfnid_5, 
         ffnid_1:ffnid_5,na.rm = TRUE)

#Step 4: Deleting 9999 values from the data subsets; 
#the gather statements have eliminated the other missing values.
#Renaming ego_nid to Sender
#Renaming Value to Target
AHS_Edges <- AHS_Edges %>%
  filter (value != 99999)  %>%    #Eliminating 99999 values
                                  #We go from 2,659 edges to 2,099 edges
  select(ego_nid, value) %>%      #Dropping the now redundant ID column.
  rename ( Sender = `ego_nid`,    #Renaming columns to indicate directionality.
           Target = `value`)


#Step 1: Creating a Comprehensive Nodelist
AHS_Nodes <- AHS_Edges %>% 
  gather(Alter_Label, value, Sender, Target,
         na.rm = TRUE) %>%
  #Step 2: Dropping the old column headers
  select(value) %>%
  #Step 3: Renaming value ego_nid to merge in attributes
  rename(ego_nid = `value`)

#Step 4: Getting Rid of Duplicates
AHS_Nodes <- AHS_Nodes %>%

#Step 5: Creating Numeric IDs because there are gaps
#in the sequence of ID numbers which can cause errors
AHS_Nodes <- AHS_Nodes %>%
  (add_rownames) %>%                                            #Getting the rownames to create sequential IDs
  rename (Sender_ID = rowname)%>%                               #Renaming rowname to Sender    
  mutate(Sender_ID = as.numeric(Sender_ID)) 

#Step 6: Merging/Joining Numeric IDs into the Edgelist
  #Renaming Variables to merge numeric IDs for Senders
  #Merging the numeric IDs for senders
  #Renamining Variable for Targets
  #Merging the numeric IDs for targets

#Renaming ego_nid to Sender in order to merge with the
AHS_Nodes <- AHS_Nodes %>%
  rename(Sender = `ego_nid`)

#Joining Sequential Numeric ID for Senders
AHS_Edges <- AHS_Edges %>%
  left_join(AHS_Nodes, by = c("Sender"))

#Renaming Sender to Target and Sender_ID to Target_ID,
#so we can merge our sequential numeric IDs
AHS_Nodes <- AHS_Nodes %>%
  rename(Target = `Sender`,
         Target_ID = `Sender_ID`)

#Merging Sequential Numeric IDs for Targets
AHS_Edges <- AHS_Edges %>%
  left_join(AHS_Nodes, by = c("Target"))

#Step 7: Tidying Up Our Edgelists and Nodelists

#Because we have the labels in our nodelist,
#We are going to drop our old node labels to avoid
#inducing errors based in gaps in the IDs
AHS_Edges <- AHS_Edges %>%
  select(Sender_ID, Target_ID)  %>%
  rename(Sender = `Sender_ID`,
         Target = `Target_ID`)

#Relabeling Target and Target_ID back to ego_nid and ID
AHS_Nodes <- AHS_Nodes %>%
  rename (ego_nid = `Target`,
          ID = `Target_ID`)


AHS_Attributes <- AHS_WPVAR %>%
  #Step 1: Selecting the Variables of Interest
  select(commcnt, ego_nid, sex, grade, race5) %>%
  #Step 2: Flitering to retain only community 7
  filter(commcnt == 7)

#Step 3: Merging/Joining Attributes with the Nodes File
AHS_Nodes <- AHS_Nodes %>%
  left_join(AHS_Attributes, by = c("ego_nid"))

#We are doing a left_join because we only want 
#attributes for vertices(nodes) that appear in our 
#Step 4: Tidying: Removing Non-essential data sets

save(AHS_Nodes, file="AHS_Nodes.Rda")

#   Constructing and Visualizing the Network   #

#Step 1: Formatting Sender and Target Variables to Construct a Statnet Network Object

#Step 2: Creating a Network Object
#Note, this is a directed graph. So, we specify that in the network object now. 
#The specification of the graph as either directed or undirected is important because it impacts fundamentally how we interpret the relationships described by the graph.


#Step 3: Calculating Network Measures to Create Network Attributes for Visualization Purposes, More on the Measures Soon
Eigen <- evcent(AHS_Network)                          #Computing the eigenvector centrality of each node
InDegree <- degree(AHS_Network, cmode="indegree")     #Computing the in-degree of each node
InDegree <- InDegree * .15                            #Scaling in-degree to avoid high in-degree nodes from crowding out the rest of the nodes

#Step 4: Creating Network Attributes
  #Specifying Colors for Gender and Race
  AHS_Nodes <- AHS_Nodes %>% 
    mutate (Color_Female = ifelse(sex == 2, 'red', ifelse(sex != 2, 'black', 'black')))

  AHS_Nodes <- AHS_Nodes %>% 
    mutate (Color_Race = ifelse(race5 == 0, 'gold', ifelse(race5 == 1, 'chartreuse4', 
          ifelse(race5 == 2, 'blue1', ifelse(race5 == 3, 'brown', ifelse(race5 == 4, 'purple', 'gray0'))))))

  #Creating Vectors to Assign as Attributes to the Network
  Gender <- as.vector(AHS_Nodes$sex)  
  Race <- as.vector(AHS_Nodes$race5)  
  Color_Race <- as.vector(AHS_Nodes$Color_Race)          #Important: 2d network Plots require a vector for an attribute
  Color_Female <- as.vector(AHS_Nodes$Color_Female) 

  #Assigning Attributes to Vertices
  set.vertex.attribute(AHS_Network, "InDegree", InDegree)

#Step 5: Visualizing the Network
summary(AHS_Network)                                        #Get numerical summaries of the network
ggnetwork(AHS_Network) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) + 
    geom_edges(color = "lightgray") +
    geom_nodes(color = Color_Race, size = InDegree) +       
    #geom_nodelabel_repel (color = Race, label = Race) +#   For networks with fewer nodes, we might want to label
    theme_blank() + 


#Node: An entity such as an social actor, firm, or organism. 
#Nodes can represent almost anything, as long as there is some meaningful set of relationships between the entities.

#Edge: A relationship between a pair of nodes where the relationship is nondirectional (e.g., kinship relationships or co-memberships in organizations).
#Arc: A directed relationship such as friendships. I can be friends with Joe, but Joe may not necessarily be my friend. Sad for me.

#Graph: A set of nodes and edges. The relationships are nondirectional and dichotomous (We are either kin or not.)
#Di-Graph: A set of nodes and arcs. The relationships are directional and can either be dichotomous or weighted. 

#Network: A graph or di-graph where the nodes have attributes assigned to them such as names, genders, or sizes. 

#Basic Measures
  #Network Size: We also know this from the number of obsevations in the Nodelist

  #Number of Edges: Corresponds to the number of observations in the edgelist

  #Number of Dyads (Node Pairs)


#Density: The ratio of Observed Ties/All Possible Ties
gden(AHS_Network, mode = 'digraph')

#Degree Distribution
#Calculating In-Degree and Out-Degree to Visualize the Total Degree Distribution: What is the distribution of Connectiveness?
InDegree <- degree(AHS_Network, cmode="indegree")     #Computing the in-degree of each node
OutDegree <- degree(AHS_Network, cmode="outdegree")   #Computing the out-degree of each node

par(mar = rep(2, 4))
par(mfrow=c(2,2)) # Set up a 2x2 display
hist(InDegree, xlab="Indegree", main="In-Degree Distribution", prob=FALSE)
hist(OutDegree, xlab="Outdegree", main="Out-Degree Distribution", prob=FALSE)
hist(InDegree+OutDegree, xlab="Total Degree", main="Total Degree Distribution", prob=FALSE)
par(mfrow=c(1,1)) # Restore display

#Average Path Length 
  #Walks: A walk is a sequence of nodes and ties, starting and ending with nodes, in which each node is incident with the edges
        #...following and preceding it in the sequence (Wasserman and Faust 1994, p. 105).
        # The beginning and ending node of a walk may be differeent, some nodes may be included more than once, and some ties may be included more than once.
  #Paths: A path is a walk where all the nodes and all the ties are distinct.
  #A shortest path between two nodes is refrred to as a geodesic (Wasserman and Faust 1994, p. 110)
  #Average path length or the geodesic distance is the average number of steps along the shortest paths for all possible pairs of nodes.

# By default, nodes that cannot reach each other have a geodesic distance of infinity. 
# Because, Inf is the constant for infinity, we need to replace INF values to calculate the shortest path length.
# Here we replace infinity values with 0 for visualization purposes.

AHS_Geo <- geodist(AHS_Network, inf.replace=0)
#AHS_Geo <- geodist(AHS_Network)                #Matrix with Infinity

#The length of the shortest path for all pairs of nodes.

#The number of shortest path for all pairs of nodes.

#Shortest Path Matrix
Geo_Dist = AHS_Geo$gdist

#For non-zero paths, we see the distirubtion is approximately centered around 4.5.
#If we compare to iGraph's reported value of 4.496353, this seems reasonable.

#average.path.length(AHS_Graph, directed=TRUE, unconnected=TRUE)

#Global Clustering Coefficient: Transitivity
#Transitivity: A triad involving actors i, j, and k is transitive if whenever i --> j and j --> k then i --> k (Wasserman and Faust 1994, p. 243)
  #Weak and Weak Census
  #Weak transitivity is the most common understanding, the one reflected in Wasserman's and Faust's definition.
  #When 'weak' is specified as the measure, R returns the fraction of potentially intransitive triads obeying the weak condition
  #Transitive Triads/Transtive and Intransitive Triads.
  #In contrast, when 'weak census' is specfified, R returns the count of transitive triads.
  gtrans(AHS_Network, mode='digraph', measure='weak')
  gtrans(AHS_Network, mode='digraph', measure='weakcensus')

#CUG (Conditional Uniform Graph) Tests:  IS this Graph More Clustered than We Would Expect by Chance
#See Wasserman and Faust 1994, p. 543-545 for more information.
#Note: These tests are somewhat computationally intensive.
    #Conducting these tests, we find that athough the transitivity is higher than would be expect by chance given the network's size; is not greater than would be expected given either the number of edges or dyads.
  #Test transitivity against size
  Cug_Size <- cug.test(AHS_Network,gtrans,cmode="size")

 #Test transitivity against density
  Cug_Edges <- cug.test(AHS_Network,gtrans,cmode="edges")
  #Test Transitivity against the Dyad Census
  Cug_Dyad <- cug.test(AHS_Network,gtrans,cmode="dyad.census")


  #Null-Dyads: Pairs of nodes with no arcs between them
  #Asymmetric dyads: Pairs of nodes that have an arc between the two nodes going in one direction or the other, but not both
  #Mutual/Symmetric Dyad: Pairs of nodes that have arcs going to and from both nodes  <--> 
#Number of Symmetric Dyads

#Dyadic Ratio: Ratio of Dyads where (i,j)==(j,i) to all Dyads
grecip(AHS_Network, measure="dyadic")

#Edgwise Ratio: Ratio of Reciprocated Edges to All Edges
grecip(AHS_Network, measure="edgewise")

#Directed Triad Census
#Triads can be in Four States
  #Empty: A, B, C
  #An Edge: A -> B, C
  #A Star (2 Edges): A->B->C
  #Closed: A->B->C->A

#Triad types (per Davis & Leinhardt):
  #003  A, B, C, empty triad.
  #012  A->B, C 
  #102  A<->B, C  
  #021D A<-B->C 
  #021U A->B<-C 
  #021C A->B->C
  #111D A<->B<-C
  #111U A<->B->C
  #030T A->B<-C, A->C
  #030C A<-B<-C, A->C.
  #201  A<->B<->C.
  #120D A<-B->C, A<->C.
  #120U A->B<-C, A<->C.
  #120C A->B->C, A<->C.
  #210  A->B<->C, A<->C.
  #300  A<->B<->C, A<->C, completely connected.


#Hierarchy Measures: Components,Cut Points, K-Cores, and Cliques
  #Components: Components are maximally connected subgraphs (Wasserman and Faust 1994, p. 109). 
  #Recall that community 7 has two large components and several small dyads and triads.
  #There are two types of components: strong and weak.
    #Strong components are components connected through directed paths (i --> j, j --> i)
    #Weak components are components connected through semi-paths (--> i <-- j --> k)
  components(AHS_Network, connected="strong")
  components(AHS_Network, connected="weak")
  #Which node belongs to which component?
  AHS_Comp <- component.dist(AHS_Network, connected="strong")
  AHS_Comp$membership # The component each node belongs to
  AHS_Comp$csize      # The size of each component
  AHS_Comp$cdist      # The distribution of component sizes
  #Cut-Sets and Cut-Points: Cut-sets describe the connectivity of the graph based on the removal of nodes, while cut-points describe
  #...the connectivity of the graph based on the removal of lines (Harary 1969)
  #k refers to the number of nodes or lines that would need to be removed to reduce the graph to a disconnected state.
  cutpoints(AHS_Network, connected="strong")
    #The plot only shows subgraphs consisting of nodes with a degree of 2 or more.
    #The green nodes indicate cut-ponts where the removal of the node would separate one subgraph from another.
    #Let's remove one of the cutpoints and count components again.
    AHS_Cut <- AHS_Network[-11,-11]
    #"-11" selects all the elments in the first row/column.
    #So, AHS_Cut will be AHS_Network with node 1 removed.
    components(AHS_Cut, connected="strong")  #There are 74 strong components in AHS_Cut compared to 73 in AHS_Network
    #Bi-Components: Bi-Components refer to subgraphs that require at least the removal of two nodes or two lines to transform it into a 
    #...disconnected set of nodes. 
    #In large highly connected networks, we frequently analyze the properties of the largest bi-component to get a better understanding
    #...of the social system represented by the network.
  #Identify Cohesive Subgroups
    #K-Cores: A k-core is a subgraph in which each node is adjacent to at least a minimum number of, k, to the other nodes in the subgraph.
    #..., while a k-plex specifies the acceptable number of lines that can be absent from each node (Wasserman and Faust 1994, p. 266). 
  #Show the nesting of cores

  #Now, showing members of the 4-core only (All Nodes Have to Have a Degree of 4)
  #Cliques:  A clique is a maximally complete subgraph of three or more nodes.
  #In other words, a clique consists of a subset of nodes, all of which are adjacent to each other, and where there are no other 
  #...nodes that are also adjacent to all of the members of the clique (Luce and Perry 1949)
  #We need to symmetrize recover all ties between i and j., "directed", FALSE) 
  #The clique census returns a list with several important elements 
  #Let's assign that list to an object we'll call AHS_Cliques.
      #The clique.comembership parameter takes values "none" (no co-membership is computed),
      #"sum" (the total number of shared cliques for each pair of nodes is computed),
      #bysize" (separate clique co-membership is computed for each clique size)
  AHS_Cliques <- clique.census(AHS_Network, mode = "graph", clique.comembership="sum")
  AHS_Cliques # an object that now contains the results of the clique census
      #The first element of the result list is clique.count: a matrix containing the number of cliques of different 
      #...sizes (size = number of nodes in the clique).
      #The first column (named Agg) gives you the total  number of cliqies of each size,
      #The rest of the columns show the number of cliques each node participates in.
  #Note that this includes cliques of sizes 1 & 2. We have those when the largest fully connected structure includes just 1 or 2 nodes.

  #The second element is the clique co-membership matrix:
  # The third element of the clique census result is a list of all found cliques:
  # (Remember that a list can have another list as its element)
  AHS_Cliques$cliques # a full list of cliques, all sizes
  AHS_Cliques$cliques[[1]] # cliques size 1
  AHS_Cliques$cliques[[2]] # cliques of size 2
  AHS_Cliques$cliques[[3]] # cliques of size 3
  AHS_Cliques$cliques[[4]] # cliques of size 4

#Restoring Our Directed Network, "directed", TRUE) 

#An actor is "reachable" by another if there exists any set of connections by which we can trace from the source to the target actor, 
#regardless of how many other nodes fall between them (Wasserman and Faust 1994, p. 132).
#If the network is a directed network, then it possible for actor i to be able to reach actor j, but for j not to be able to reach i.
#We can classify how connected one node is to another by considering the types of paths connecting them.
  #Weakly Connected: The nodes are connected by a semi-path (--> i <--- j ---> k)
  #Unilaterally Connected: The nodes are connected by a path (i --> j --> k)
  #Strongly Connected: The nodes are connected by a path from i to k and a path from k to i.
  #Recursively Connected: The nodes are strongly connected, and the nodes along the path from i to k and from k to i are the same in reverse order.
    #e.g., i <--> j <--> k 
#Interpreting the reachability matrix, the first column indicates a specific node, the second an alter (alters can occur multiple times),
#and the third column indicates the number of paths connecting the two (total is a cumulative count of the number of paths in the network).
#For example, interpreting row 2, node 2 can reach node 235 through 235 paths (470-235), whereas in the middle of the list node 343 can reach node 1 through only 1 path.
??reachablity #For more information on this measure

#Degree Centraltiy: Total, In-Degree, Out-Degree
  #In-Degree Centrality: The number of nodes adjacent to node i (Wasserman and Faust 1994, p. 126). i <--
  InDegree <- degree(AHS_Network, cmode="indegree")
  InDegree <- InDegree * .15                #Scaling in-degree to avoid high in-degree nodes from crowding out the rest of the nodes
  set.vertex.attribute(AHS_Network, "InDegree", InDegree)
  #Out-Degree Centrality: The number of nodes adjacent from node i (Wasserman and Faust, p. 126). i -->
  OutDegree <- degree(AHS_Network, cmode="outdegree")
  OutDegree <- OutDegree * .5                 #Scaling in-degree to avoid high in-degree nodes from crowding out the rest of the nodes
  set.vertex.attribute(AHS_Network, "OutDegree", OutDegree)
  #Total Degree Centrality: The Total Number of Adjacent Nodes (In-Degree + Out-Degree)
  TotalDegree <- OutDegree + InDegree
  TotalDegree <- TotalDegree * .4
  set.vertex.attribute(AHS_Network, "TotalDegree", TotalDegree)
  #Try Sizing by the Different Degrees
  ggnetwork(AHS_Network) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) + 
    geom_edges(color = "lightgray") +
    geom_nodes(color = Color_Race, size = InDegree) +       
    #geom_nodelabel_repel (color = Race, label = Race) +#   For networks with fewer nodes, we might want to label
    theme_blank() + 

#Path Centralities: Closeness Centrality, Information Centrality, Betweenness Centrality
  #Closeness Centrality: Closeness centrality measures the geodesic distances of node i to all other nodes.
  #Functionally, this measures range from 0 to 1, and is the inverse average distance between actor i and all other actors (Wasserman and Faust 1994, p. 185)
  #This measure does not work well when there are disconnected components because the distances between components cannot be summed as
  #...they are technically infinite. There are several work arounds, see Acton and Jasny's alternative below.
  AHS_Closeness <- closeness(AHS_Network, gmode="digraph", cmode="directed")
  hist(AHS_Closeness , xlab="Closness", prob=TRUE) 

  #Alternative Approach to Measuring Closesness from the Geodesic Distances Matrix from Acton's and Jasny's Statnet Tutorial
  Closeness <- function(x){ # Create an alternate closeness function!
    geo <- 1/geodist(x)$gdist # Get the matrix of 1/geodesic distance
    diag(geo) <- 0 # Define self-ties as 0
    apply(geo, 1, sum) # Return sum(1/geodist) for each vertex
  Closeness <-  Closeness(AHS_Network)                        #Applying the function
  hist( Closeness , xlab="Alt. Closeness", prob=TRUE)         #Better behaved!
  #Information Centrality: Information Centrality measures the information flowing from node i.
  #In general, actors with higher information centrality are predicted to have greater control over the flow of information within a network.
  #Highly information-central individuals tend to have a large number of short paths to many others within the social structure.
  ?infocent  #For more information
  AHS_Info <- infocent(AHS_Network, rescale=TRUE)
  hist(AHS_Info , xlab="Information Centrality", prob=TRUE) 
  gplot(AHS_Network, vertex.cex=(AHS_Info)*250, gmode="graph") # Use w/gplot
  #As suggested by the histogram there is relatively little variation in information centrality in this graph.
  #Betweenness Centrality: The basic intuition behind Betweenness Centrality is that the actor between all the other actors in the 
  #...has some control over the paths in the network. 
  #Functionally, Betweenness Centrality is the ratio of the sum of all shortest paths linking j and k that includes node i over 
  #...all the shortest paths linking j and k (Wasserman and Faust 1994, p. 191)
  AHS_Betweenness <- betweenness(AHS_Network, gmode="digraph")  
  hist(AHS_Betweenness , xlab="Betweenness Centrality", prob=TRUE) 
  gplot(AHS_Network, vertex.cex=sqrt(AHS_Betweenness)/25, gmode="digraph") 
  #Comparing Closeness and Betweenness Centralities
  cor(Closeness, AHS_Betweenness)                             #Correlate our adjusted measure of closeness with betweenness
  plot(Closeness, AHS_Betweenness)                            #Plot the bivariate relationship
#Measures of Power in Influence Networks: Bonachich and Eigenvector Centrality
  #Bonachich Centrality: The intuition behind Bonachich Power Centrality is that the power of node i is recursively defined the sum of the power of its alters. 
  #The nature of the recursion involved is then controlled by the power exponent: positive values imply that vertices become 
  #...more powerful as their alters become more powerful (as occurs in cooperative relations), while negative values imply 
  #...that vertices become more powerful only as their alters become weaker (as occurs in competitive or antagonistic relations).
  ?bonpow   #For more information about the measure
  #Eigenvector Centrality: Conceptually, the logic behind eigenvectory centrality is that node i's influence is proportional to the the centraltities' of the nodes adjacent to node i. In other words, we are important because we know highly connected people.
  #Mathematically, we capture this concept by calculating the values of the first eigenvector of the graph's adjacency matrix.
  ?evcent   #For more information.
  AHS_Eigen <- evcent(AHS_Network)
  hist(AHS_Eigen , xlab="Eigenvector Centrality", prob=TRUE) 
  gplot(AHS_Network, vertex.cex=AHS_Eigen*10, gmode="digraph") 
#Adding Network Attributes to the Node List
AHS_NodeList<- cbind(AHS_NodeList, AHS_Betweenness, AHS_Closeness, AHS_Info, Eigen, InDegree, OutDegree)

#Burt's (1992) measures of structural holes are supported by iGraph and ego network variants of these measures are supported by egonet
#...the egonet package is compatable with the sna package.
#You can find descriptions and code to run Burt's measures in igraph at:
  #Brokerage: The brokerage measure included in the SNA package builds on past work on borkerage (Marsden 1982), but is a more 
  #...explicitly group oriented measure. Unlike Burt's (1992) measure, the Gould-Fernandez measure requires specifying a group variable
  #...based on an attribute. I use race in the example below.
    #Brokerage Roles: Group-Based Concept
    #w_I: Coordinator Role (Mediates Within Group Contact)
    #w_O: Itinerant Broker Role (Mediates Contact between Individuals in a group to which the actor does not belong)
    #b_{IO}: Representative: (Mediates incoming contact from out-group members)
    #b_{OI}: Gatekeeper: (Mediates outgoing contact from in-group members)
    #b_O: Liason Role: (Mediates contact between individuals of two differnt groups, neither of which the actor belongs)
    #t: Total or Cumulative Brokerage (Any of the above paths)
  ?brokerage   #for more information
  AHS_Brokerage <- brokerage(AHS_Network, Race)
  hist(AHS_Brokerage$cl, xlab="Cumulative Brokerage", prob=TRUE) 
  AHS_CBrokerage <- (AHS_Brokerage$cl)
  gplot(AHS_Network, vertex.cex=AHS_CBrokerage*.5, gmode="digraph") 
#Jimi Adams's Function for Calculating Effective Size
  #Effective size is the average degree of ego network without counting alters' ties to ego 
  #Detaching to ensure that Statnet and iGraph do not conflict
  detach("package:sna", unload=TRUE)
  #Loading Example Data
  plot(g, vertex.label=Flo_Nodes$ego, 
       edge.arrow.size=.05, edge.arrow.width=.05,
       vertex.size=degree(g,mode = "in"))
  effective.size <- function(g, ego, mode="all") {		# igraph doesn't have an "effective size" command
    n <- degree(g, mode=mode)[ego]						        # ego's degree
    es <- n												                    # initializing effective size
    ns <- neighbors(g,ego, mode=mode)					        # identifying ego's neighborhood
      for (j in 1:n){									                # looping over everyone in ns
        nsns <- neighbors(g,ns[j], mode=mode)		      # finding neighbors' neighbors
        r <- length(intersect(ns, nsns))			        # only those also in ego's neighborhood
        es <- es - (r/n)							                # subtracting redundancies
  effective.size(g, "9", mode="all")
  #Trying on Our School Networks
  effective.size(AHS_Graph, "1", mode="all")
#Jimi Adams's Function for Calculating the Index of Qualitative Variatio
  #The index of qualitative variation (IQV) is a measure of variation among the categories
  #of a qualitative variable.  
  #It is calculated as [1 - sum(p2)]  * [K / (K - 1)], 
  #where p is the proportion in each category, and K is the number of categories. 
  #The variable ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 represents a completely homogeneous group,
  #and 1 represents a group with equal parts in each category.
  iqv <- function(graph, attribute) {
    N <- length(V(graph))
    cats <- unique(get.vertex.attribute(graph,attribute,V(graph)))
    nlev <- length(cats)
    cat_list <- rep(0,N)
    p <- rep(0, N) 
    p2_list <- as.list(0)
    for (j in 1:nlev) {
      for(i in 1:length(V(graph))){
        i_att <- get.vertex.attribute(graph, attribute, V(graph)[neighborhood(graph,1)[[i]]]) 
        att <- length(which(i_att==cats[j]))
        num <- length(V(graph)[neighborhood(graph, 1)[[i]]])
      p2_list[[j]] <- p2
      cat_list <- cat_list + p2
    IQV <- (nlev/(nlev-1))*(1-cat_list)
    IQV1 <- as.list(0)
    IQV1[[2]] <- IQV
    IQV1[[1]] <- mean(IQV)
    names(IQV1) <- c("full_graph", "egonet")
    return (IQV1)
  #Assigning Attributes
  AHS_Graph <- AHS_Graph %>%
    set_vertex_attr("sex", value = AHS_Nodes$sex) %>%
    set_vertex_attr("grade", value = AHS_Nodes$grade)
  #This function takes some time to calculate for a network of this size
  #because you are calculating the variation ratio for each person 
  #in a passed complete network, for a single attribute at a time.
  iqv(AHS_Graph, "sex")
#Detaching to ensure that Statnet and iGraph do not conflict
  detach("package:igraph", unload=TRUE)

#Structural Equivalence
  #Structural equivalence: Similarity/Distance Measures Include:
    #Euclidean Distance
    #Hamming Distance
    #Gamma Correlation
  sedist(AHS_Network, mode="digraph", method="hamming")
  #Cluster based on structural equivalence:
  AHS_Clustering <- equiv.clust(AHS_Network, mode="digraph",plabels=network.vertex.names(AHS_Network))
  AHS_Clustering                        #Specification of the equivalence method used
  plot(AHS_Clustering)                  #Plot the dendrogram
  rect.hclust(AHS_Clustering$cluster, h=30)
  #Generating a Block Model based on the Structural Equivalence Clustering
  AHS_BM <- blockmodel(AHS_Network, AHS_Clustering, h=30)
  #Extract the block image for Visualization
  bimage <- AHS_BM$block.model
  bimage[is.nan(bimage)] <- 1
  #Visualizing the block image (with self-reflexive ties)
  gplot(bimage, diag=TRUE, edge.lwd=bimage*5, vertex.cex=sqrt(table(AHS_BM$block.membership))/2,
        gmode="graph", vertex.sides=50, vertex.col=gray(1-diag(bimage)))