Chair: Rakhi Kilaru, MS, MBA (PPD clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Instructor: Richard C. Zink, PhD (JMP Statistical Discovery LLC)
Course Description:
(Bio)statisticians and data scientists are technically proficient. This should come as no surprise since their education focuses on developing quantitative scientists of the highest order. However, this leaves little opportunity for the development of soft skills which are often just as important to one’s success, particularly in a multidisciplinary environment. Ironically, many of the skills leading to technical success, such as planning, meticulousness, and specificity can stifle innovation, limit awareness, and inhibit communication. But all is not lost! Applied improvisation is a novel (and fun) way to pursue and practice soft skills that are un- or under-developed.
Applied improvisation, the application of the principles and tools of improvisational theater in non-theatrical settings, has been used for decades in business schools to assist students in developing and expanding quick thinking, confidence, communication, and collaboration. Similar training is used to help clinicians, healthcare workers, and scientists better engage their patients, collaborators, and non-technical colleagues. Improvisation skills aid leaders to be eager servants to their team, exhibit vulnerability, communicate more effectively, and create an atmosphere where individuals can think and share freely.
This half-day professional development course introduces individuals to applied improvisation from the perspective of a fellow quantitative scientist. Through several physical and verbal exercises, participants explore soft skills such as creativity, adaptability, courage, and storytelling. Briefings examine how exercises reinforce various competencies and how they relate to everyday workplace pursuits. Resources for further reading and training are provided.
There is no requirement to be funny, though funny often naturally happens! No experience is required, just an open mind and an eagerness to participate. If you want to increase confidence, react more effectively to spontaneity, engage your colleagues with active listening, and build ideas through active collaboration, then this short course is for you!
*This course can accommodate a maximum of 20 in-person participants. Register soon to attend!
Richard C. Zink, Ph.D.
Principal Research Fellow
JMP Statistical Discovery LLC

Richard C. Zink is Principal Research Fellow at JMP Statistical Discovery and has spent 20+ years in and around clinical trials and medical product development. He is Associate Editor for the DIA journal Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, and is author, editor, and contributor to 9 books on statistical topics in clinical trials and clinical research. He holds a Ph.D. in Biostatistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he serves as Adjunct Professor of Biostatistics. Richard was awarded the distinction of Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2020. Richard began his journey with improvisation in 2017 after hearing a podcast interview with actor Alan Alda who realized that scientists could benefit from improvisation to improve their ability to communicate with non-scientists. He is committed to introducing the benefits of applied improvisation to quantitative audiences to illustrate how these skills can benefit everyday workplace pursuits.