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Using SoundSoap for Noise Reduction

By: Mich Donovan

SoundSoap is a desktop app / third-party plugin that does an incredible job of reducing noise and other unwanted artifacts in your audio. While the desktop app works great, the plugin for FCPX fits seamlessly into our workflow as a simple drag and drop effect. Similar to Audacity, SoundSoap includes a “Learn” feature that allows the user to isolate the ambient background noise to be filtered out. Here’s an example of the software in action (I’ve raised the volume on the clip to better hear the effect):

There’s a variety of other features, settings, and tweaks you can make on top of this basic default effect, but I was pretty impressed on how clean the reduction with only minimal distortion of the speaker’s voice. In addition to noise reduction, the software also works for declipping loud audio, filtering electronic hums and removing clicks and crackles.

The desktop app can be purchased solo for $79, but the plugin is only available with the full package at $149. We were able to grab an educational discount at 50% off. And it works for both Mac or Windows, FCPX, Premiere, ProTools and a variety of other applications.

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