Our mission is to build a network among academic researchers, biotech researchers, clinicians, and patients in the field of neurodegeneration in the Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (RTP).
We hope to accomplish this mission through the organization of events to foster collaboration and integrating the patient community in the Triangle. Below you can find some standout quotes and video clips from our Past Events.
“I want you to look at this disease not as a pyramid of events, but as a massive interconnected positive feedback loop” ~ Dr. John Didsbury [speaking about Alzheimer’s disease]
“One of the hallmarks of being a good researcher is to question everything” ~ Benjamin Stecher
“We’ve developed a comprehensive care clinic…a one day, one stop shop model for Parkinson’s patients” ~ Dr. Sneha Mantri
“The challenge was to get this to work in patients…and lo and behold it did!” ~ Dr. Kurt Fischbeck [speaking about Nusinersin – a breakthrough therapy for Spinal Muscular Atrophy]