Since 1960, Jane Goodall has changed the world perception of animal conservation through over 50 years of groundbreaking work studying, protecting, and saving chimpanzees. Her discoveries disputed misconceptions about chimpanzees and other primates, and she has since dedicated her life to urging humans to protect and live in harmony with all living things on this planet. She founded the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) in 1977 to continue her vision through advocacy, education, and research and now spends an average of 300 days traveling as an environmental activist.

The JGI website actually has a timeline of Dr. Goodall and JGI’s life, as well as a map of worldwide JGI projects. The “Tapestry of Hope” also created an interactive map of all Roots & Shoots projects, a youth development program started by JGI.

Rather than repeat these previous maps/timelines, my project aims to test the power of maps, social media, and storytelling. Inspired by her storytelling abilities, I will follow the hashtag “WheresJane” and read news articles on  Dr. Goodall’s recent activism. I will then use this information to create a StoryMap that tracks Goodall’s impact as she spreads environmental awareness and hope around the world.