There is only 1 module for learning sprint 4. The rest of your time should be spent on your project.
- Prepare (soft due Tu 9/28, hard due M 10/11)
- Content below
- Sakai quizzes
- Group Worksheet (soft due W 9/29, hard due M 10/11)
- Practice (due M 10/11)
- Perform (due M 10/25)
4.A – Summarizing Data
- Read Section 3.8 Aggregating and Grouping from Python Data Science Handbook.
- Read Section 3.9 Pivot Tables from Python Data Science Handbook.
4.B – Merging Data
- Record Linkage (8 min.)
- Read Section 3.6 Concat and Append from Python Data Science Handbook. Please note that the join_axes optional parameter mentioned in this section has been deprecated from the Pandas library, you can skip over the details on this parameter.
- Read Section 3.7 Merge and Join from Python Data Science Handbook
- Fuzzy Matching (21 min.)