Module 4: Combining Data

There is only 1 module for learning sprint 4. The rest of your time should be spent on your project.

  1. Prepare (soft due Tu 9/28, hard due M 10/11)
    1. Content below
    2. Sakai quizzes
  2. Group Worksheet (soft due W 9/29, hard due M 10/11)
  3. Practice (due M 10/11)
  4. Perform (due M 10/25)


4.A – Summarizing Data

  1. Read Section 3.8 Aggregating and Grouping from Python Data Science Handbook.
  2. Read Section 3.9 Pivot Tables from Python Data Science Handbook.

4.B – Merging Data

  1. Record Linkage (8 min.)
  2. Read Section 3.6 Concat and Append from Python Data Science Handbook. Please note that the join_axes optional parameter mentioned in this section has been deprecated from the Pandas library, you can skip over the details on this parameter.
  3. Read Section 3.7 Merge and Join from Python Data Science Handbook
  4. Fuzzy Matching (21 min.)

Optional Supplements

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