Due: Sunday 12/12, 11:59 PM
General Directions
The project presentation is intended to provide a high-level overview of your project to an audience of your peers (that is, individuals who have a reasonable knowledge of data science but are not experts in your particular project topic). Presentation recordings will be made available to the entire class (through Sakai, so not available outside of the class). The presentation should demonstrate your ability to communicate the significance and interpret the findings of your research project. The presentation should stand on its own so that it makes sense to someone who has not read your proposal or prototype.
Your group should create a video recording of your presentation in which every group member speaks and in which you use a visual aid such as presentation slides. The easiest way to do this is to simply hold a zoom call with all members of your project group, share your screen with your presentation slides, and record either locally or to the cloud (see Zoom recording help information). If this is not possible, you can also record portions individually and combine the recordings (though this will require additional editing work). In the end, we will ask for a URL to your complete recording, so you can either provide a share link to a zoom cloud recording or you can record locally and then upload your recording to Duke Box, Warpwire, or any other cloud platform where we can access and view your recording directly online (we should not need to download to view the recording). Ensure that anyone with the link can view your recording.
In terms of length, the presentation should be between 8 and 12 minutes. You can have as many slides as are necessary, but a typical pace has 1-2 slides per minute, so 8-24 slides total would be reasonable. Your slides should prioritize well labeled figures or visualizations and use text sparingly to emphasize important points. When you are finished you will submit a pdf of your slides to gradescope under the assignment “Project Presentation.” Be sure to include your names and netids in your final document and use the group submission feature on gradescope. Your first slide should include the URL where we can view the recording of your presentation.
Part 0: Title Slide
The very first slide of your presentation should be a title slide containing at least the following information:
- A title of your project / presentation
- Names of all group members
- URL to recording of your presentation
Part 1: Introduction and Research Questions
Your presentation should begin by introducing your topic generally and posing your research questions. Provide some explanation of the relevance or motivation of your research questions.
Part 2: Data Sources
Discuss the data you have collected and are using to answer your research questions. Be specific: name the datasets you are using, the information they contain, and where they were collected from / how they were prepared.
Part 3: Results
Describe your results. Where possible, provide well labeled and legible charts/figures in your slides to summarize results instead of verbose text. Interpret the results in the context of your research questions. It may not be possible to describe every individual result from your project in a brief amount of time. Focus on the most important and essential results for addressing your research questions.
Unlike your final report, it is not generally possible to describe your methods in sufficient detail in a short presentation that an informed audience member could reproduce your results. Instead, you should focus on your results and their interpretation, and only discuss methods at a high level such as may be necessary to interpret the results.
Part 4: Limitations and Future Work
You should briefly discuss any important limitations or caveats to your results with respect to answering your research questions. For example, if you don’t have as much data as you would like or are unable to fairly evaluate the performance of a predictive model, explain and contextualize those limitations.
Finally, provide a brief discussion of future work. This could explain how future research might address the limitations you outline, or it could pose additional follow-up research questions based on your results so far. In short, explain how an informed audience member (such as a peer in the class) could improve on and extend your results.
Grading Rubric
Final reports will be evaluated on the following criterion-based rubric. Reports satisfying all criteria will receive full credit.
- Submits a relevant document satisfying general requirements including a URL to a recording
- Includes a brief introduction to the topic of interest
- Poses one or more concrete research questions
- Provides a reasonable discussion of the relevance or motivation for the research questions
- Includes a discussion of concrete/specific data sources
- Provides results in the form of analysis, tables, visualization, etc.
- Tables and figures are properly labeled and legible
- Results are discussed and interpreted in the context of the research questions
- Provides a reasonable discussion of any limitations to the results
- Provides a reasonable discussion of future work and how the results could be extended
- The final recording is polished and easy to follow.