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The next ClubEvMed is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19th at noon (EST)

What are the evolutionary considerations of rodent gene drives for conservation and human health?

presented by Megan Serr.

Register here.

Biodiversity, human health, and food security can all be impacted by invasive rodents. These negative impacts are particularly seen on islands, where rodent eradications with traditional methods can sometimes fail due to evolutionary resistance. Gene drives may offer an approach to the challenge of rodent eradication on islands.

My primary research focus is wild house mice (Mus musculus) and the potential use of gene drive technology. Mus are a key genetic model system and an invasive species on many islands worldwide. Evolutionarily sound approaches are needed, and we are investigating ways to tailor genetic techniques to unique island populations. Using models on gene drive mice can help us predict how laboratory/wild mice would introgress into a population. Evolutionary resistance is also possible; the mice may evade our best methods. However, gene drive technology in rodents can potentially produce significant gains for conservation and society. To this end, a broad interdisciplinary lens with many differing perspectives is required.

We look forward to a robust discussion following the presentation!

Register here.