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Mosquito phylogenomics: understanding host use and disease transmission through an evolutionary lens

This Club EvMed event occurred on December 1st, 2023. Learn more about Club EvMed at

This conversation was led by North Carolina State University Global One Health Academy Leaders: Dr. Sid Thakur, Dr. Meredith Spence Beaulieu, Dr. Michael Reiskind, and Dr. Brian Wiegmann.

Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals for humans, transmitting an array of viruses, nematodes, and protozoa of global importance. Despite this large medical impact and the profound effects of mosquitoes on human evolution, we know little about the evolutionary history of mosquitoes and how so many came to be enduring public health threats. Reiskind and Wiegmann will lead a conversation on their phylogenomic analysis that resolves the position of the major disease vector species and the major mosquito lineages. They incorporate an extensive database of host associations to understand host-use patterns and feeding shifts over evolutionary time. Thakur and Spence Beaulieu will introduce the Global One Health Academy at NC State and lead a discussion on the intersections of evolutionary medicine and One Health, using mosquito phylogenomics as a case example.

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