Category Archives: Writer’s Spotlight
Writer’s Spotlight: Veronica Ciocanel
“The writing that I’m most proud of was the same writing I struggled with most. It is a story for Notices of the American Mathematical Society about the research I’ve done, why I find problems in biology to be interesting to mathematicians, and how I learned to work with interdisciplinary collaborators. It was very daunting — there’s so much vulnerability in telling your story. What really helped was participating in the spring 2022 faculty writing retreat. It was great to be part of a writing community — to come together, set goals, learn some strategies. But mostly it was great just having people there and establishing that this is what we’re doing for the day. Writing doesn’t have to be miserable!”
Veronica Ciocanel, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Biology, Duke University
Writer’s Spotlight: Paul Magwene
“What I’d like to say to new graduate students rotating in my lab is: ‘What you’re really going to be doing over the next 4 – 5 years is you’re going to write a lot, so let’s focus on that.’ But I think that would scare a lot of people off. Recently I did focus on writing with a rotation graduate student – which I had never done before – and it worked pretty well. I had an idea for a synthesis paper that I wanted to work on and he wanted to engage at that level. He reviewed the literature that is relevant to the work he’d do if he joined my lab and, although I guided him to topics that I wanted him to think about, the project was open enough that he could explore and incorporate his ideas. It was fun! We had a live document and co-wrote it as a team.”
Paul Magwene, Professor of Biology, Duke University
Writer’s Spotlight: Jean Philippe Gibert
“Writing is something that you have to do, but it can also a pretty daunting task with high stakes! Something that really helped me get my writing going back when I was a grad student was to define “writing” broadly. I read this book by Stephen King, and he said something that really resonated with me: “Every time I’m thinking about writing, I’m writing.” That really stuck with me! Now, by the time I actually sit down to write a paper, I’ve already worked on it a lot. That work happens sort of naturally in the shower or when I’m riding my bike or driving my car. I start by figuring out what the punch line of my story is. Then I think: what are effective figures that communicate this story? Then I work on the figures and I call this “writing”! Before I even start writing sentences, I have a brainstorming session with myself to identify key words, ideas, and results I want or need to emphasize. Then I draw the connections between them. By the time I have done all that, I have a solid structure to follow to write the paper without having written a word.”
Jean Philippe Gibert, Assistant Professor of Biology, Duke University
Writer’s Spotlight: Amy Schmid
“While I enjoy the whole writing process, one thing I love about writing is the detail-oriented part of it. I love copy editing! When a paper has been accepted for publication and I get the page proofs, I have a “proof party”. First, I let the lab know that the proofs came, and all the co-authors contribute their edits. Then, I print out the paper, sharpen my Dixon Ticonderoga #2 pencil, go to a cafe, order a special coffee, and I sit down to edit. With the proofs, I finally get to see how the article really looks. It’s a real paper now. I feel a real sense of accomplishment and am proud of my lab – what a treat!”
Amy K. Schmid, Associate Professor of Biology, Duke University
Writer’s Spotlight: Greg Wray
“It is often said that scientists should do a better job communicating to the public so I felt like I should at least try to see if I could walk the walk, not just talk the talk. The challenge is that when you write a scientific paper, you generally know what the rules are, but there are really no formal guidelines about how to write for non-technical audiences. You could write in a million different ways! So it’s exciting but also a little bit terrifying.
I’ve written a couple of articles for Natural History magazine and, there, I assumed my readers had probably gone to college (but not necessarily). What I wanted to do was paint a picture in their minds about something that would interest them – a wonderment, a mystery, or an appreciation of nature’s beauty — and then try to backfill in the more technical side of things, including bringing some molecular biology to the natural history audience.
My first article was about how the diversity of body plans in animals came about. My hook was that the world is full of all kinds of crazy creatures with an incredible range of morphologies, body sizes, physiologies, behaviors, and reproductive systems. I started by describing echinoderms, which have one of the weirdest body plans. I introduced the larva, which has a very sensible organization; it has a front and a back end, a left and a right side, a belly and a back, a mouth and a gut. It looks like a normal animal, it’s just tiny. Then, it undergoes this crazy metamorphosis and comes out pentaradial! So what is going on there? That’s the sort of wonderment that I was trying to tap into.”
— Greg Wray, Professor of Biology, Duke University
Writer’s Spotlight: Gustavo Silva
As I transitioned from a postdoc to a faculty member, the biggest challenge in writing was finding the time to do it as my schedule became very fragmented. Early on, I participated in a 12-week Faculty Success Program with National Center For Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), and they challenged us to write 30 minutes every day. This practice is not only a way to make consistent progress with our writing, but it is also a way to make sure we are engaging with our science daily. When we put our writing aside for weeks, we forget all the connections. But if we are writing every day, even for only 30 minutes, we keep those ideas in our mind for the rest of the day as we are doing everything else a scientist does. We see connections, get new ideas, and the practice allows us to stay in conversation with our writing.
We have to show up for our writing, the same way we show up for our teaching. It is critical for our success, and we have to hold ourselves accountable. Even if we are tired, even if we are not inspired, even if we are sad – we have to show up. Some days we’re going to feel more inspired and we will do more, other days we may not feel that inspired, but we still will have accomplished something.”