“Writing comes from reading,
and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.” – Annie Proulx
When writing a new type of document, it is often helpful to see a successful example to get a sense of the content, structure, length, and tone. Biology Writes is building a documents repository (modeled after one created and maintained by graduate students prior to 2016) so that we can share and learn from each other. This repository would contain successful prelim documents, grant applications, course proposals and syllabi, job applications, teaching statements, and many other documents that biologist must write.
Guidelines for the repository: Only member of the Duke biology department would have access to the repository. Users must agree not to redistribute these documents and, obviously, must not plagiarize any document. Any use except those specified would be a violation of the Duke University Community Standard. All copyright would be retained by the original creators or funding agencies, and all authors of the document must agree to share their document before it is posted.
We want your input: Do you have any concerns about this plan? Would Sakai be the best place for the archive? Are there additional guidelines we should add? Please provide input here. Thanks in advance!
We want your writing! If you have documents that you are willing to share, please email them to Julie.a.reynolds@duke.edu.