In my work as a Writing Coach, I often hear people describe the challenges of focusing on their writing when there are papers to grade, emails to answer, experiments to run, and meals to cook.
I remind them about the value of Thinking, Fast and Slow. Author and Nobel prize recipient Daniel Kahneman proposes that there are two systems that drive the way we think; System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional whereas System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical.
In our hyperlinked culture, many of us are stuck in System 1 thinking as we try (with varying success) to react to all the demands on our time. Most scientific writing, in contrast, requires clear-headed, deliberative, System 2 thinking, free from distractions.
How do we tap into System 2 thinking? Many of us need to create meaningful transitions that allow us to shift into a mindset conducive to writing. Some take a walk before opening their laptops, others meditate for a few minutes at their desks. Most of us silence our phones, email, and all other push notifications. This recent article even suggests that, contrary to popular belief, mind-wandering can help us get more done.
If you, too, struggle to focus on your writing, consider deliberately invoking System 2 thinking.
What do you do to get prepared to write? Join the conversation!