Participants meet regularly at an agreed upon time and place to work on independent writing projects alongside other writers. Arrive with any materials you will need to work on your own writing and write in good company. Come when you can and stay for as long as your schedule allows.
Fall 2024 writing group meets Mondays from noon – 1PM
Here’s a sample schedule so you know what to expect:
- noon – 12:05 Check in, goal setting
- 12:05-12:55 Writing period
- 12:55-1:00 Optional check-in, and goal-setting for next writing session
A few logistics:
- Check-ins are optional: if you are on a roll with your writing or not in a space to participate, keep writing!
- You may join or leave the meeting at any time. If you join the group during a writing period, please wait until the check in to say hello
- Masking rules will follow Duke policy
- Some prefer headphones to mute background noises – bring some if that works best for you.
- Biology Writes will provide drinks and snacks
Feel free to invite others to join us. If you want to join the mailing list, email me at Julie.a.reynolds at duke dot edu