Motion Picture Film


Always store film flat. If the reel came wrapped in plastic, remove the plastic.  Label can with a Sharpie on the can’s top and side. Any documents accompanying the film within the can should be foldered. If replacing the can, photocopy the original label information and tape to the top of the can. Store in cool storage at the LSC.

At-Minimum Housing

Store in non-deteriorated (no dirt, no rust) can on viable reel (no bent or broken flanges).

Typical Housing

Transfer film on reel to 3″ plastic core. Put in non-deteriorated can, in cool storage.  Consult with AV Archivist for coring.

High-End Housing

Core film, splice fresh film leader to head and tail of film, label head and tail leader with unique ID, and place in archival (vented) plastic can, in cool storage.  Consult with AV Archivist for splicing leader and coring.


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