Glass lacquer discs range in size from 7″ to 16″ in diameter. They were used between the 1920s and the 1960s, with peak years between 1930 and 1950. More about lacquer phonodiscs.
Warning: Glass lacquer phonodiscs can break easily. Lacquer discs carry a high risk of degradation, due to the makeup of the lacquer covering the glass, aluminum, or cardboard. The lacquer shrinks, but the base does not, and so often the discs will de-laminate. Consult with the Audiovisual Archivist if you think you have lacquer discs.
Remove discs from their disc jackets. Use archival sleeves without center hole cut-outs, and write the unique identifier on the sleeve in pencil. House discs vertically in specialty boxes without leaning. Label boxes with THIS END UP to prevent them being stored on their side. Store in cool environment, such as at the LSC. Do not freeze.