Summertime in CARL

After finishing up my first year at Duke, I am excited to learn and grow outside of the classroom this summer. Working in the Sullivan lab for the past week has given me a good idea of what is to come. I am already surprised by everything I have done in just one week. This program allows me to take full advantage of working in a lab every day to create an immersive experience. I am looking forward to learning a lot about working in a lab and chromosomes, as well as gaining new skills. Dr. Sullivan is an incredible mentor and I am excited to work with her for the next seven weeks. In the lab, I’m sure I will make mistakes that will lead to resolutions and hopefully I will discover something along the way!

Beyond the lab, I am looking to form new relationships and learn from my peers. Also, living at Duke during the school year can sometimes feel like living in a bubble; I definitely did not explore as much as I would have liked to during the school year. I’m excited to explore Durham this summer and hopefully continue that during the upcoming school year. I expect to leave this program amazed by my new abilities and sad it is over. I’m also sure I will see many more snakes with Dr. Grunwald!

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