Author Archives: Arielle Kim

And That’s a Wrap

Hello! I knew BSURF would feel quick, but wow, these last eight weeks have flown by.

In my first blog post, I wrote about how I had always been slightly intimidated by research. I was nervous about my capabilities in the lab and worried I would make mistakes in procedures such as DNA extractions and PCRs. While I have made such mistakes occasionally, I’ve been blessed to have a mentor who trusts me and even encourages me to explore and make some mistakes to understand what steps/precautions to take in experimental procedures. Carlos has been such an incredible mentor in that he makes me feel comfortable trying new things and asking for help in the lab. I love to ask Carlos, “What is the worst thing that could happen if I… (random thing, e.g., add too much buffer),” to which he always gives a thorough response that informs how I go about my procedure. The funniest example that pops into my mind is me asking, “What would happen if I dunked my hand into the liquid nitrogen?” to which he responded calmly, “It would immediately freeze.”

This trust and open line of communication has helped me grow much more confident as a scientist, as I now understand that everything in the lab is an experiment! We’ve had to troubleshoot many experiments even though we followed the procedures because, as often seen in science, there are unaccounted variables that change our results. Seeing this unpredictability in the lab has made me understand that science is not a stagnant, linear “if a, then b” field of study but rather one that is continually changing, informed by new observations and experiments. Sometimes the procedure won’t work, and that’s okay! You can retract and do mini-experiments to determine what could have influenced the outcome. Knowing that science is unpredictable, I feel more comfortable learning new skills and not knowing what to expect.

Another major lesson I’ve learned in BSURF is the importance of scientific communication. BSURF has done an incredible job of implementing workshops that help us develop these skills. From listening to faculty describe their research and career journeys to condensing our summer projects into eight minutes of speech, I’ve learned that science is not just about the work you do in the lab but also about sharing it with your peers and the public. It has been invaluable to have the chance to learn different modes of communication, such as abstracts, papers, posters, chalk talks, and presentations, and also practice them in a welcoming environment. I was so nervous about my chalk talk, but it was a great experience with a cohort of peers, many of whom were also experiencing it for the first time. Completing each deliverable felt like an accomplishment, and I thank Carlos, Dr. Lutzoni, Dr. Grunwald, Dr. Harrell, Grace, and Kehali for providing feedback throughout these processes.

Finally, I feel so lucky to have met amazing people this summer. It has been a privilege to live in Swift with not just BSURF but also other programs like the Huang Fellows program. We have all grown so close through carpooling, group cooking, and supporting one another through the research experience. I did not come into the program knowing many people before, but I am blessed to have met such kind-hearted, motivated, down-to-earth people. I am happy to enter my sophomore year with these new friendships and excited to see the great things everyone will accomplish! Thank you, BSURF!

Carlos! 7/27/23

Lawrence David + Microbiology!

I have admired Professor David’s work on nutrition and the gut microbiome since the beginning of freshman year, so I was very excited for his talk. In my “Exploration of Genetics and Genomics” FOCUS cluster, I took a course on the genomics of symbiosis. One of the papers we read was one of Professor David’s on how diet can alter the human gut microbiome. I’ve always been fascinated by how symbiotic microbiota impact essential functions within their hosts, such as food digestion, immune defense regulation, and vitamin synthesis, so I took an interest in his work.

Professor David studied microbial ecology and evolution in graduate school, and he was particularly interested in how to engineer the microbiome + study how what people eat impacts the structure and composition of the human gut microbiome. He still conducts microbiological research, but he also works on FoodSeq, a technique that involves extracting plant and animal DNA from human stool to obtain information about the food the person has consumed. This project involves curating a reference database of DNA sequences from foods eaten worldwide!

What stood out to me about Professor David’s talk, however, is his emphasis on the aspects people don’t really hear about professorship. He explained how being a professor is like being a small business owner and showed us what goes into a lab’s budget. He also explained to us how his day ends at five! He sets boundaries on his schedule to maintain his work-life balance, especially since he has a family. I think this is important for my peers and me to hear, as many of us are considering graduate school and/or a career in academia. Above all, it was great to see his passion for the people in the lab and his family – thank you, Professor David!

Optimizing Cyanobacteria Detection for Comparing Lichenized and Environmental Cyanobacterial Communities

Cyanolichens are symbiotic associations between fungi and cyanobacteria. When lichenized fungi reproduce sexually, the fungal spores are dispersed without the cyanobacteria, and they must find a new partner to form a cyanolichen thallus. However, how common these potential cyanobacterial partners are in the substrates where the cyanolichens grow is unknown. A robust sequencing procedure is necessary to compare the communities of lichenized and environmental cyanobacteria. This study aims to optimize the procedure for sequencing 1800 environmental samples from Alberta, Canada. We tested the sensitivity of the 16S rRNA and rbcLX genetic markers for cyanobacteria detection and the role of substrate depth on cyanobacterial community composition. The rbcLX genetic marker is more variable but is single-copy, while the 16S rRNA gene is less variable but exists in multiple copies. Sequencing the 16S rRNA gene may be better for detecting trace amounts of cyanobacteria in environmental samples. Additionally, cyanobacteria are expected to be more diverse in top substrate layers because they need light for photosynthesis, so sampling from deeper depths may not be necessary. We sequenced the two markers from 112 environmental samples, including 12 with known taxonomic compositions. The remaining 100 samples have unknown compositions and include both top and bottom substrate layers. We will use the sequence data to compare the detection sensitivity of the two genetic markers. Preliminary results favor the 16S rRNA gene. The results will inform the procedure for large-scale characterization of environmental cyanobacteria to understand the formation of the cyanolichen symbiosis.

Kang’s Organ on a Chip!

Hello everyone + Happy end of week 5! This program has been flying by.

I am happy to share Kang’s research project, which focuses on microfluidic devices – the “organ-on-a-chip.” I will try my best to summarize what I learned from his chalk talk 🙂

In vivo and in vitro approaches for studying tissues/cells have unique pros and cons. One advantage to studying cells in vivo over in vitro is that the researcher can study them in their natural, complex environments. However, the drawback is that many variables are more challenging to control. In vitro offers this experimental control but lacks the complex environment that in vivo methods provide.

Microfluidic devices are small plastic chips with channels that provide a 3D terrain for cell culture! They allow researchers to study cells in an environment more akin to the human body but still relatively controllable (ex: nutrient and fluid levels). These devices could be an intermediate approach incorporating the advantages of the in vivo and in vitro approaches. Kang’s project focuses on microfluidic devices for studying blood vessels in the cardiovascular system, and he tests different designs to see which protocol/device works best!



My typical day in the Lutzoni Lab is packed with DNA extractions. I arrive at the lab between 10 and 10:30AM, and Carlos – my mentor – and I begin our morning extractions. We perform DNA extractions on 48 lichen samples each morning, and Carlos and I work simultaneously. I love the morning extraction procedure, as it is quite relaxing. I also enjoy listening to music while working, which helps pass the time during centrifugation steps (when I cannot touch anything because we use scary chemicals :D).

After completing our morning extractions a little after noon, we have lunch! I enjoy getting to know other lab members and my PI, Dr. Lutzoni, during this time. I’ve also had the chance to meet faculty and scientists from different labs on the floor, which has been insightful. It has been exciting to speak with graduate students who share their experiences in completing their Ph.D. programs, whether navigating finances, managing personal relationships, or post-graduation plans in industry or academia.

Carlos and I focus on environmental DNA extractions in the afternoon. These environmental samples consist of soil, pine needles, mosses, etc., found nearby and between lichens. I help prepare for the DNA extractions by allocating environmental samples into test tubes (essentially wrangling with leaves and soil using two forceps). Meanwhile, Carlos extracts DNA from the 24 samples I had prepared the day before. Once the samples are prepared, I prepare 48 lichen samples for the next day’s extractions. We also perform PCRs, check DNA qualities, and run gels between our extractions!

François Lutzoni!

I am happy to share more about François Lutzoni, my lab’s PI, and his academic journey! Dr. Lutzoni is a Professor of Biology at Duke University, using lichen-forming and allied fungi as a model system for studying symbiotic interactions and coevolution. He is an incredible mentor, and his career path and passion for research are quite admirable. 

Dr. Lutzoni grew up in Canada, and when he was 17 years old, he took an aptitude test to determine his career interests. His answers revolved around nature, so he ultimately took a three-year technical course in wildlife management. After graduating, he got a position as a technician at the Université Laval, a research university in Quebec, Canada. As a technician, his job was to help students complete research projects by assisting them in conducting fieldwork! Through this position, he grew his passion for nature, specifically lichens. When he was 21, Dr. Lutzoni had the opportunity to engage in a course on lichens while simultaneously working on collecting + identifying lichens. 

As a technician, Dr. Lutzoni realized he wanted to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Therefore, he decided to take classes at the UniversitĂ© Laval while working. He completed his bachelor’s degree in Bio-Agronomy in 1987 and then pursued a master’s at the University of Ottawa. At the University of Ottawa, Dr. Lutzoni had the pleasure of working under Irwin M. Brodo, a leading authority on the biology of lichens. Then, after completing his master’s degree in Biology in 1990, he continued to pursue a Ph.D. in Botany/Genetics at Duke University, which he completed in 1995.

Post-Ph.D., Dr. Lutzoni worked at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois. He asked the museum if he could complete a postdoctoral fellowship, and they allowed him to complete a 1-year fellowship at Indiana University Bloomington in fungal genetics. He worked for a couple more years at the Field Museum and was an advisor to two students at nearby universities, helping them complete research projects.

When Duke fused their botany and zoology departments into one biological sciences department around 2001, the botanists agreed to merge under the condition that the university would hire a botanist. Thus, Dr. Lutzoni was hired as a professor and has been here since 🙂

Marco Polo: How Do Lichen-Forming Fungi Find Their Cyanobacterial Partners?

This summer, I will compare lichenized cyanobacteria communities to environmental cyanobacteria communities (cyanobacteria living outside the lichens) to inform how lichen-forming fungi associate with their cyanobacterial partners. For context, lichens are organisms made of symbiotic associations between algae/cyanobacteria and fungi. Fungi in lichen can reproduce sexually via fungal spores, which are essentially sterile, free of cyanobacteria, and it is largely unknown how the fungi find and associate with their symbiotic partners. In nature, fungal species have been observed associating with different cyanobacterial species, sometimes “switching” between cyanobacterial partners. The mechanism behind symbiosis formation is unclear; it is unknown where and how often the fungi find their cyanobacterial partners, and we want to know if the same cyanobacteria are found in the surrounding environment. 

My project focuses on lichens made of Peltigera, a genus of lichen-forming fungi, and Nostoc, a genus of blue-green algae or cyanobacteria. Using lichen and environmental samples, we want to ask: are lichenized cyanobacteria similar to, or different from, the environmental cyanobacteria found outside the lichens? The Lutzoni Lab collected lichen and environmental samples across Alberta, Canada, to help answer this question. The lab collected roughly 2500 lichen samples and 1800 environmental samples across 15 sites spread over five natural regions of Alberta (3 sites per natural region). The environmental samples consist of substrate sampled next to and between lichens and are split into 900 “top” and 900 “bottom” samples. The top samples were collected closer to the earth’s surface, and the bottom samples were collected deeper underground. 

This summer, I aim to answer two primary questions to determine the best method for extracting and sequencing the Nostoc DNA from lichen and environmental samples!

First, we want to know if the 16S rRNA or rbcLX gene is a more accurate marker for detecting Nostoc in the samples. The rbcLX gene is more specific to cyanobacteria and has more variation than the 16S rRNA gene, so it could more accurately classify between species of Nostoc. However, Nostoc contain one copy of the rbcLX gene compared to multiple copies of the 16S rRNA gene. The environmental samples may have low abundances of Nostoc, so sequencing the 16S rRNA gene may be more suitable for detecting the low cyanobacteria levels. To answer this question, we are testing the 16S rRNA and rbcLX approaches on 12 environmental samples which have already undergone metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses. By comparing the resulting 16S rRNA and rbcLX sequences to pre-existing data, we will select the marker with which we will sequence the remaining environmental samples. We hypothesize that 16S rRNA will more accurately detect the Nostoc because we are trying to detect microbes presumably in trace amounts, and because the 16S rRNA gene is the standard marker in microbiology. 

Next, we want to determine how the cyanobacterial communities in the top environmental samples compare to those of the bottom. As mentioned above, the 900 top and 900 bottom samples are from the same areas but different depths into the substrate. We want to see if the bottom cyanobacterial communities are a subset of those of the top samples, and if so, only extract DNA from the top samples to save time and money. We hypothesize that the bottom samples will be a subset of the top, and more Nostoc will be detected in the top samples because Nostoc require sunlight to photosynthesize ☀

Lots and lots of lichen samples! 6/14/23

Lichens with the Lutzoni Lab

Hello! I’m Arielle, and I am working in the Lutzoni Lab this summer for the BSURF program 🙂

“Research” has always felt slightly intimidating to me. Coming into college, I had no research experience and had no clue on how to get started – Who do I contact? What skills do I need? When should I start searching for a lab? However, I loved science and always was curious about working in a research lab, so I put “research” on my list of things to try during my undergraduate career. Hence, I didn’t hesitate to apply when I learned about the BSURF program through some of my bio friends.

As mentioned above, I work in the Lutzoni Lab, which studies the evolution, ecology, and genomics of symbiotic systems involving fungi and photoautotrophic organisms. My current project focuses on the mutualistic system involving Peltigera, a lichen-forming fungus, and Nostoc, their associated cyanobacterial partners, to develop a deeper understanding of environmental and genetic factors that shape their patterns of association. 

This past week has been intense but also quite productive! The graduate student I am working with, Carlos, has been a fantastic + patient mentor, teaching me how to do DNA extractions, PCR setups, and gels (I attached a photo of one below). We have been spending lots of time in the lab, and I expect the next couple of weeks to look similar (DNA extractions, PCRs, gels). I am excited for the next seven weeks, and my primary goals are to develop my research skills, learn lab techniques, and, most importantly, become more confident as a scientist. I also want to grow closer with my BSURF cohort – everyone has been welcoming so far, and I am excited to get to know everyone better this summer!

My second gel! 6/9/23