Welcome to Teaching & Tech, a blog about my entrepreneurial journey in Computer Science education! Having worked with classes, small groups, and individual students to maximize their potential in the US college admissions process, I became interested in how technology can help make education more personalized, effective, and accessible. This motivated me to major in Computer Science and Mathematics at Duke University, where I acquired a wide range of engineering skills that enabled me to develop innovative EdTech tools. While building a programming quiz application for Duke’s first-year CS students, I got introduced to the tremendous possibilities of CS education, a field where I’m able to actively combine my passions in teaching and computer science to help others find fulfillment in problem solving and automation. From then on, I have designed and piloted CS courses ranging from Programming Methodology in Java to Data Science in Python. This summer, I will be teaching online CS courses to students from California, Ohio, North Carolina, and Taiwan as well as designing new curricula for future instruction. I’m looking forward to sharing my experience with you all!