Latest News

  • Welcome PhD student, Emma Johnson!

    Emma joins us as a Duke Centennial Graduate and Professional fellow as well as an NSF Graduate Research fellow. We are so thrilled that she’s here!

  • Andrew joins Duke’s Master of Environmental Management program

    Andrew has joined the Master of Environmental Management (MEM) program at Duke! While we will miss him as our Research Technician, we are so excited for him to pursue the next stage of his academic career and are so happy he’s decided to stay here at Duke. We are looking forward to seeing the amazing work he’ll do!

  • New Paper – eDNA in Biscayne Bay

    Our new paper, “Ecological forensic testing: Using multiple primers for eDNA detection of marine vertebrates in an estuarine lagoon subject to anthropogenic influences,” has been published in Gene. We used an eDNA approach to explore vertebrate biodiversity in Biscayne Bay, FL. This work was done in collaboration with Drs. Kelcie Chiquillo (University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras) and Jose Eirin-Lopez (Florida International University). You can find our article here.

  • Visit to the Shellfish Research Hatchery (UNCW)

    Team Oyster recently visited our colleagues at UNC Wilmington’s Shellfish Research Hatchery. Dr. Ami Wilbur showed the team how to collect oyster gametes, fertilize eggs, and raise baby oysters!

  • Our field trip Down East

    Team Oyster headed Down East to see Susan Hill, president and co-owner of Down East Mariculture Supply Co LLC. Susan gave us a tour of their incredible oyster nursery located on Jarret Bay.