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“Urban Studies 101” House Course

House Course “Urban Studies 101”

Urban Studies 101: Breaking the Duke Bubble

This course is two-pronged: students are introduced to the variety of subject areas that constitute urban studies and are encouraged to consider their role in Durham as their home city, beyond Duke’s campus. Course readings introduce students to the multiple subject areas that make up the field of urban studies, namely urban humanities (sociology, cultural anthropology, history, etc), economics, policy, science, design and engineering, arts, and ethics. Pre-class readings prepare students for in-class discussions on a number of topics. The course will be composed of pre-class readings, in-class discussions, and a case study on an urban-centered project on a particular subject area that intrigues them. Course instructors will meet with students working individually or in teams to discuss potential resources and project expectations. End products are deliberately left to student creativity; they could range from a photojournalism project on Durham transportation to an op-ed on Duke-Durham housing and gentrification causality.



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