Peer-reviewed manuscripts
Click here for a link to the federally-mandated catalog of manuscripts in PubMed.
- Lapp Z, Freedman E, Huang K, Markwalter CF, Obala AA, Prudhomme-O’Meara W, Taylor SM. Analytic optimization of Plasmodium falciparum marker gene haplotype recovery from amplicon deep sequencing of
complex mixtures. PLOS Glob Pub Health [in press] - Markwalter CF, Lapp Z, Abel L, Kimachas E, Omollo E, Freedman E, Chepkwony T, Amunga M, McCormick T, Berube S, Mangeni JN, Wesolowski A, Obala AA, Taylor SM, O’Meara WP. Plasmodium falciparum infection in
humans and mosquitos influence natural Anopheline biting behavior and transmission. Nat Commun [in press] - Lapp Z, Abel L, Mangeni J, Obala AA, O’Meara WP, Taylor SM, Markwalter CF. bistro: An R package for vector bloodmeal identification by short tandem repeat overlap. Methods Ecol Evol [in press]
- O’Meara WP, Maraga L, Meredith H, Esimit D, Lokoel G, Chepkwony T, Kipkoech J, Ambani G, Menya D, Freedman E, Taylor S, Obala A. Plasmodium vivax prevalence in a semiarid region of Northern Kenya, 2019.
Emerg Infect Dis 2023 [in press] - Zeno EE, Obala AA, Pence B, Freedman E, Mangeni JN, Lin JT, Abel L, Edwards JK, Gower EW, Taylor SM. Risk of malaria following untreated sub-patent Plasmodium falciparum infections: Results over 4 years from a
cohort in a high transmission area in Western Kenya. J Infect Dis 2024; 229: 969 - Wright JK, Weckman AM, Ngai M, Stefanova V, Zhong K, McDonald CR, Elphinstone R, Coburn B, Madanitsa M, Taylor SM, ter Kuile FO, Kain KC. Intestinal barrier disruption in malaria in pregnancy and risk of preterm
birth: a cohort study. eBioMedicine 2023; 97: 104808 - Markwalter CF, Petersen JEV, Zeno EE, Sumner KM, Freedman E, Mangeni JN, Abel L, Obala AA, Prudhomme-O’Meara W, Taylor SM. Symptomatic malaria enhances protection from reinfection with homologous Plasmodium falciparum parasites. Plos Pathog 2023; 19: e1011442. PMCID: PMC10289385
- Rent S, Bauserman M, Laktabai J, Tshefu AK, Taylor SM. Malaria in Pregnancy: Key Points for the Neonatologist. NeoReviews [in press]
- van Eijk AM, Stepniewska K, Hill J, Taylor SM, Rogerson SJ, Cottrell G, Chico RM, Gutman JG, Tinto H, Unger HW, Yanow S, Meshnick SR, ter Kuile FO, Mayor A. Prevalence and risk factors of submicroscopic malaria infections in pregnancy: aggregated and individual participant data meta-analyses. Lancet Glob Health 2023; S2214. PMCID: pending
- Arambepola R, Berube S, Freedman B, Taylor SM, O’Meara WP, Obala AA, Wesolowski A. Measuring patterns of Plasmodium falciparum relatedness: how do space, time, and sampling impact our inference? Front Epidemiol 2023 [in press]
- Mangeni JN, Saran I, Abel L, Taylor SM, Obala A, O’Meara WP. Experience and confidence in health technologies: evidence from malaria testing and treatment in Western Kenya. BMC Public Health 2022; 22: 1689. PMCID: PMC9446607
- Lapp Z, Obala AA, Abel L, Rasmussen DA, Sumner KM, Freedman E, Taylor SM*, Prudhomme-O’Meara W*. Plasmodium falciparum genetic diversity in coincident human and mosquito hosts. mBio 2022; e0227722. (* shared senior authorship) PMCID: PMC9600619
- Taylor SM, Korwa S, Wu A, Green CL, Freedman B, Clapp S, Kirui JK, O’Meara WP, Njuguna FM. Monthly sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine-amodiaquine or dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine as malaria chemoprevention in young Kenyan children with sickle cell anemia: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS Med 2022; 19: e1004104. PMCID: PMC9591057
- Markwalter CF, Menya D, Wesolowski A, Kipkoech J, Freedman E, Sumner KM, Abel L, Ambani G, Meredith HR, Taylor SM, Obala AA, O’Meara WP. Plasmodium falciparum importation does not sustain malaria transmission in a semi-arid region of Kenya. PLOS Global Public Health 2022; 2: e0000807. PMCID: PMC10021402
- Laktabai J, Mobley VL, Prudhomme-O’Meara W, Taylor SM. Associations between antenatal syphilis test results and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Western Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2022; 107: 401. PMCID: PMC9393464
- Grassia J, Markwalter M, O’Meara WP, Taylor SM, Obala AA. Lack of pre-existing SARS-CoV2 neutralizing antibodies in malaria-exposed individuals in Western Kenya. Emerg Infect Dis 2022; 28: 1080. PMCID: PMC9045424 [Letter]
- Mahamar A, Sumner KM, Levitt B, Freedman B, Traore A, Barry A, Issiaka D, Dembele AB, Kanoute MB, Attaher O, Diarra BN, Sagara I, Djimde A, Duffy PE, Fried M, Taylor SM, Dicko A. Effect of three years seasonal malaria chemoprevention on molecular markers of resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and amodiaquine in Ouelessebougou, Mali. Malaria J 2022; 21: 39. PMCID: PMC8822718
- Leuba SI, Westreich D, Bose CL, Powers KA, Olshan A, Taylor S, Tshefu A, Lokangaka A, Carlo WA, Chomba E, Liechty EA, Bucher SL, Esamai F, Jessani S, Saleem S, Goldenberg RL, Moore J, Nolen T, Hemingway-Foday J, McClure EM, Koso-Thomas M, Derman RJ, Hoffman M, Bauserman M. Predictors of Plasmodium falciparum infection in the first trimester among nulliparous women from Kenya, Zambia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. J Infect Dis 2022; 225: 2002. PMCID: PMC9159331
- Band G, Leffler EM, Jallow M, Sisay-Joof F, Ndila CM, Macharia AW, Hubbart C, Jeffreys AE, Rowlands K, Nguyen T, Goncalves SM, Ariani CV, Stalker J, Pearson RD, Amato R, Drury E, Sirugo G, d’Alessandro U, Bojang KA, Marsh K, Peshu N, Saelens JW, Diakite M, Taylor SM, Conway DJ, Williams TN, Rockett KA, Kwiatkowski DP. The protective effect of sickle hemoglobin against severe malaria depends on parasite genotype. Nature 2022; 602: 106. PMCID: PMC8810385
- Gutman JR, Khairallah C, Stepniewska K, Tagbor H, Madanitsa M, Cairns M, L’Ianziva A, Kalilani L, Otieno K, Mwapasa V, Meshnick SR, Chandramohan D, Desai M, Taylor SM, Greenwood B, ter Kuile FO. Intermittent screening and treatment with artemisinin-combination therapy versus intermittent preventive treatment with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria in pregnancy: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials. eClinicalMedicine 2021; 41: 101160. PMCID: PMC8556518
- Saelens JW, Petersen JEV, Freedman E, Moseley RC, Konate D, Diakite SAS, Traore K, Vance N, Fairhurst RM, Diakite M, Haase SB, Taylor SM. Impact of sickle cell trait hemoglobin on the intraerythrocytic transcriptional program of Plasmodium falciparum. mSphere 2021; 6: e00755-21. PMCID: in process
- Sumner KM, Mangeni JN, Obala AA, Freedman E, Abel L, Meshnick SR, Edwards JK, Pence BW, Prudhomme-O’Meara W*, Taylor SM*. Impact of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection on the risk of subsequent symptomatic malaria in a longitudinal cohort in Kenya. eLife 2021; 10: e68812. (* shared senior authorship) PMCID: PMC8337072
- Weckman AM, Conroy AL, Madanitsa M, Gnaneswaran B, McDonald CR, Kalilani-Phiri L, Chandna J, Ali D, Mwapasa V, Khairallah C, Thwai KL, Meshnick SR, Taylor SM, ter Kuile FO, Kain KC, Gladstone M. Neurocognitive outcomes in Malawian children exposed to malaria during pregnancy: an observational birth cohort study. Plos Med [in press]
- Meredith HR, Wesolowski A, Menya D, Esimit D, Lokoel G, Kipkoech J, Freedman B, Lokemer S, Maragia J, Ambani G, Taylor SM, Prudhomme-O’Meara W, Obala AA. Epidemiology of Plasmodium falciparum infections in a semi-arid rural African setting: evidence from reactive case detection in northwestern Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg [in press]
- Petersen JEV, Saelens JW, Freedman E, Turner L, Lavstsen T, Fairhurst RM, Diakite M, Taylor SM. Sickle-trait hemoglobin reduces adhesion to both CD36 and EPCR by Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes. Plos Pathogens 2021; 17: e1009659. PMCID: PMC8221791
- Sumner KM, Freedman E, Mangeni JN, Obala AA, Abel L, Edwards JK, Emch M, Meshnick SR, Pence BW, Prudhomme-O’Meara W, Taylor SM. Exposure to diverse Plasmodium falciparum genotypes shapes the risk of symptomatic malaria in incident and persistent infections: A longitudinal molecular epidemiologic study in Kenya. Clin Infect Dis 2021 [in press]
- Sumner KM, Freedman E, Abel L, Obala A, Pence BW, Wesolowski A, Meshnick SR, Prudhomme-O’Meara W*, Taylor SM*. Genotyping of cognate Plasmodium falciparum parasites in naturally-infected human and mosquito hosts to estimate the contribution of asymptomatic infections to onward malaria transmission. Nat Commun 2021; 12: 909. (* shared senior authorship) PMCID: PMC7875998
- Taylor SM, Levitt B, Freedman B, Madanitsa M, Thwai KL, Kalilani-Phiri L, Khairallah C, Mwapasa V, ter Kuile FO, Meshnick SR. Interactions between antenatal sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum parasites and delivery outcomes in Malawi. J Infect Dis 2020; 222: 661. PMCID: PMC7377291
- Walker PGT, Cairns M, Slater H, Gutman J, Kayentao K, Williams JE, Coulibaly SO, Khairallah C, Taylor S, Meshnick SR, Hill J, Mwapasa V, Kalilani-Phiri L, Bojang K, Kariuki S, Tagbor H, Griffin JT, Madanitsa M, Ghani ACH, Desai M, ter Kuile FO. Modelling the incremental benefit of introducing malaria screening strategies to antenatal care in Africa. Nat Commun 2020; 11: 3799. PMCID: PMC7393377
- Kuerten BG, Brotkin S, Bonner MJ, Ayuku DO, Njuguna F, Taylor SM, Puffer ES. Psychosocial burden of childhood sickle cell disease on caregivers in Kenya. J Pediatr Psychol 2020; 45: 561. PMCID: pending
- Deutsch-Feldman M, Aydemir O, Carrel M, Brazeau NF, Bhatt S, Bailey JA, Kashamuka M, Tshefu AK, Taylor SM, Juliano JJ, Meshnick SR, Verity R. The changing landscape of Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance in the Democratic Republic of Congo. BMC Infect Dis 2019; 19: 872. PMCID: PMC6805465
- O’Meara WP, Simmons S, Bullin P, Freedman B, Abel L, Mangeni J, Taylor SM, Obala AA. Mosquito exposure and malaria morbidity; a micro-level analysis of household mosquito populations and malaria in a population-based longitudinal cohort in western Kenya. J Infect Dis 2020; 221: 1176. PMCID: PMC7325711
- Nelson CS, Sumner KM, Freedman B, Saelens JW, Obala AA, Mangeni JN, Taylor SM*, O’Meara WP*. High-resolution parasite genetic and spatial micro-epidemiology in a high malaria transmission setting in Kenya. Nat Commun 2019; 10: 5615. PMCID: PMC6901486 (* shared senior authorship)
- Taylor SM, Sumner KM, Freedman B, Mangeni J, Obala AA, O’Meara WP. Direct estimation of sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum rapid diagnostic test for active case detection in a high-transmission community setting. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2019; 101: 1416. PMCID: PMC6896871
- Elphinstone RE, Weckman A, McDonald C, Tran V, Zhong K, Madanitsa M, Kalilani-Phiri L, Khairallah C, Taylor SM, Meshnick SR, Mwapasa V, ter Kuile FO, Conroy AL, Kain KC. Malaria infection before 24 weeks gestation is associated with dysregulation of angiogenesis, metabolism, and inflammation throughout pregnancy, and increases the risk of preterm birth: a prospective cohort study. Plos Med 2019; 16: e1002914. PMCID: PMC6772002
- Saelens JW, Taylor SM. Born to sweet delight: Using natural models of malaria protection to understand and neutralize P falciparum pathogenesis. Plos Pathog 2019; 15: e1007770. PMCID: PMC6586352.
- van Eijk AM, Larsen DA, Kayentao K, Koshy G, Slaughter DEC, Roper C, Okell LC, Desai M, Gutman J, Khairallah C, Rogerson SJ, Sibley C, Meshnick SR, Taylor SM, ter Kuile FO. Impact of Plasmodium falciparum sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance on the effectiveness of intermittent preventive therapy for malaria in pregnancy in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis 2019; 19: 546. PMCID: pending
- Nsanzabana C, Ariey F, Beck H-P, Ding XC, Kamau E, Krishna S, Legrand E, Lucchi N, Miotto O, Nag S, Noedl H, Roper C, Rosenthal PJ, Schallig HD, Taylor SM, Volkman S, Gonzalez IJ. Molecular assays for antimalarial drug resistance surveillance: a target product profile. Plos One 2018; 13: e0204347. PMCID: PMC6147503
- Ngo HT, Freedman E, Odion RA, Strobbia P, Indrasekara AS, Vorha P, Taylor SM, Vo-Dinh T. Direct detection of unamplified pathogen RNA in blood lysate using an integrated lab-in-a-stick device and ultrabright SERS nanorattles. Sci Rep 2018; 8: 4075. PMCID: PMC5840326
- Miller RH, Hathaway NJ, Kharabora O, Mwandagalirwa K, Tshefu A, Meshnick S, Taylor S, Juliano J, Stewart VA, Bailey J. A deep sequencing approach to estimate Plasmodium falciparum complexity of infection (COI) and explore Apical Membrane Antigen 1 diversity. Malaria J 2017; 16: 490. PMCID: PMC5732508
- Rogerson SJ, Desai M, Mayor A, Sicuri E, Taylor SM, van Eijk AM. Burden, pathology, and costs of malaria in pregnancy: new developments for an old problem. Lancet Infect Dis 2018; 18: e107. PMCID: pending
- Taylor SM, Madanitsa M, Thwai KL, Khairallah C, Kalilani-Phiri L, van Eijk AM, Mwapasa V, ter Kuile FO, Meshnick SR. Minimal impact by antenatal subpatent falciparum infections on delivery outcomes in Malawian women: a cohort study. J Infect Dis 2017; 216: 296. PMCID: PMC5853861
- Patel JC, Hathaway NJ, Parobek CM, Thwai KL, Madanitsa M, Khairallah C, Kalilani-Phiri L, Mwapasa V, Massougbodji A, Fievet N, Bailey JA, ter Kuile FO, Deloron P, Engel SM, Taylor SM, Juliano JJ, Tuikue Ndam N, Meshnick SR. Increased risk of low birth weight in women with placental malaria associated with falciparum VAR2CSA clade. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 7768. PMCID: PMC5554196.
- Nkhoma M, Ashorn P, Ashorn U, Dewet KG, Gondwe A, Mbotwa J, Rogerson S, Taylor SM, Maleta K. Providing lipid-based nutrient supplement during pregnancy does not reduce the risk of maternal P falciparum parasitaemia and reproductive tract infections: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Preg Childbirth 2017; 17: 35. PMCID: PMC5240436
- Levitt B, Obala A, Langdon S, Corcoran D, O’Meara WP, Taylor SM. Overlap extension barcoding for the next generation sequencing and genotyping of Plasmodium falciparum in individual patients in Western Kenya. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 41108. PMCID: PMC5259759.
- Madanitsa M, Kalilani L, Mwapasa V, van Eijk AM, Khairallah C, Ali D, Pace C, Smedley J, Thwai K, Levitt B, Wang D, Kang’ombe A, Faragher B, Taylor SM, Meshnick SR, ter Kuile FO. Scheduled intermittent screening with rapid diagnostic tests and treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine versus intermittent preventive therapy with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria in pregnancy in Malawi: An open-label randomized controlled trial. Plos Med 2016; 13: e1002124. PMCID: PMC5021271
- Liu Y, Mwapasa V, Khairallah C, Thwai K, Kalilani-Phiri L, ter Kuile FO, Meshnick SR, Taylor SM. Rapid diagnostic test performance assessed using latent class analysis for the diagnosis of falciparum placental malaria. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2016; 95: 835. PMCID: PMC5062783
- Liu Y, Griffin JB, Muehlenbachs A, Rogerson SJ, Bailis AJ, Sharma R, Sullivan DJ, Tshefu AK, Landis SH, Kabongo JM, Taylor SM, Meshnick SR. Diagnosis of placental malaria in poorly fixed and processed placental tissue. Malaria J 2016; 51: 272. PMCID: PMC4863337
- Patel JC, Mwapasa V, Kalilani L, ter Kuile FO, Khairallah C, Thwai KL, Meshnick SR, Taylor SM. Absence of association between sickle trait hemoglobin and placental malaria outcomes. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2016; 94: 1002. PMCID: PMC4856594
- Ngo HT, Gandra N, Fales AM, Taylor SM, Vo-Dinh T. Sensitive DNA detection and SNP discrimination using ultrabright SERS nanorattles and magnetic beads for malaria diagnostics. Biosens Bioelectron 2016; 81: 8. PMCID: PMC4835027
- Doctor SM, Liu Y, Whitesell A, Thwai KL, Taylor SM, Janko M, Emch M, Kashamuka M, Muwonga J, Tshefu A, Meshnick SR. Malaria surveillance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Comparison of microscopy, PCR, and rapid diagnostic test. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2016 85: 16-8. PMCID: PMC4841725
- Desai M, Gutman J, Taylor S, Wiegand R, Khairallah C, Kayentao K, Ouma P, Coulibaly S, Kalilani L, Mace K, Arinaitwe E, Mathanga D, Doumbo O, Otieno K, Edgar D, Chaluluka E, Kamuliwo M, Ades V, Skarbinski J, Shi YP, Magnussen P, Meshnick S, ter Kuile FO. Impact of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance on effectiveness of intermittent preventive therapy in pregnancy at clearing peripheral blood Plasmodium falciparum parasites and preventing low birth weight: A prospective, multi-country observational study across Africa. Clin Infect Dis 2016; 62: 323. PMCID: PMC4762476
- Tagbor H, Cairns M, Bojang K, Coulibaly SO, Kayentao K, Williams J, Abubakar I, Akor F, Mohammed K, Bationo R, Dabira E, Soulama A, Djimde M, Guiou E, Awine T, Quaye S, Njie F, Ordi J, Doumbo O, Hodgson A, Oduro A, Meshnick S, Taylor S, Magnussen P, ter Kuile F, Woukeu A, Milligan P, Chandramohan D, Greenwood B. A non-inferiority, individually-randomized trial of intermittent screening and treatment versus intermittent preventive treatment in the control of malaria in pregnancy. Plos One 2015; 10: e0132247. PMCID: PMC4530893
- Juliano JJ, Barnett E, Meshnick SR, Parobek CM, Taylor SM, Stone S, Chang E, Fong S, Huang L. Use of oropharyngeal washes to diagnose and genotype Pneumocystis jirovecii. Open Forum Infect Dis 2015; 2: ofv080. PMCID: PMC4498285
- Chandrasiri UP, Fowkes FI, Richards JS, Langer C, Fan Y, Taylor SM, Beeson JG, Dewet KG, Maleta K, Ashorn P, Rogerson SJ. The impact of lipid-based nutrient supplementation on anti-malarial antibodies in pregnant women in a randomized controlled trial. Malaria J 2015; 14: 193. PMCID: PMC4438573
- Lopera-Mesa TM, Doumbia S, Konaté D, Anderson JM, Doumbouya M, Keita AS, Diakité SAS, Traoré K, Krause MA, Diouf A, Moretz SE, Tullo GS, Miura K, Gu W, Fay MP, Taylor SM, Long CA, Diakite M, Fairhurst RM. Impact of red blood cell variants on childhood malaria in Mali: a prospective cohort study. Lancet Haem 2015; 2: e140. PMCID: PMC4418020
- O’Meara WP, Mott J, Laktabai J, Wamburu K, Fields B, Armstrong J, Taylor SM, Macintyre C, Sen R, Menya D, Pan W, Nicholson B, Woods CW, Holland T. Etiology of pediatric fever in Western Kenya: A case-control study of falciparum malaria, respiratory viruses, and streptococcal pharyngitis. Amer J Trop Med Hyg 2015; 92: 1030. PMCID: PMC4426560
- Gutman J, Kalilani L, Taylor SM, Zhou Z, Wiegand RE, Thwai KL, Mwandama D, Khairallah C, Madanitsa M, Chaluluka E, Dzinjalamala F, Ali D, Mathanga D, Skarbinski J, Shi YP, Meshnick SR, ter Kuile FO. Plasmodium falciparum dihydropteroate synthase-A581G mutation reduces effectiveness of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine preventive therapy in Malawian pregnant women. J Infect Dis 2015; 211: 1997. PMCID: PMC4539907
- Carrel M, Patel JC, Taylor SM, Janko M, Mwandagalirwa M, Tshefu AK, Escalante A, McCollum A, Alam MT, Udhayakumar V, Meshnick SR, Emch M. The geography of malaria genetics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a complex and fragmented landscape. Soc Sci Med 2015; 133: 233. PMCID: PMC4402241
- Taylor SM, Parobek CM, DeConti DK, Kayentao K, Coulibaly SO, Greenwood BM, Tagbor H, Williams J, Bojang K, Njie F, Desai M, Kariuki S, Gutman J, Mathanga DP, Martensson A, Ngasala B, Conrad MD, Rosenthal PJ, Tshefu AK, Moormann AM, Vulule JM, Doumbo OK, ter Kuile FO, Meshnick SR, Bailey JA, Juliano JJ. Absence of putative Plasmodium falciparum artemisinin resistance mutations in sub-Saharan Africa: A molecular epidemiologic study. J Infect Dis 2015; 211: 680. PMCID: PMC4402372
- Clark ME, Goheen MM, Fulford A, Prentice A, Elnagheeb M, Patel JC, Fisher N, Taylor SM, Kasthuri R, Cerami C. Host iron status and iron supplementation mediate susceptibility to erythrocytic stage Plasmodium falciparum. Nat Commun 2014; 5: 4446. PMCID: PMC4249681
- Tan KR, Katalenich BL, Mace KE, Nambozi M, Taylor SM, Meshnick SR, Wiegand RE, Chalwe V, Filler SJ, Kamuliwo M, Craig AS. Efficacy of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy, Mansa, Zambia. Malaria J 2014; 13: 227. PMCID: PMC4053579
- Taylor SM, Antonia AL, Harrington WE, Goheen MM, Mwapasa V, Chaluluka E, Fried M, Kabyemela E, Madanitsa M, Khairallah C, Kalilani-Phiri L, Tshefu AK, Rogerson SJ, ter Kuile FO, Duffy PE, Meshnick SR. Emergence of independent lineages of highly sulfadoxine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum haplotypes in east Africa. Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20: 1140. PMCID: PMC4073871
- Taylor SM, Mayor A, Mombo-Ngoma G, Kenguele H, Ouédraogo S, Tuikue Ndam N, Mkali H, Mwangoka G, Valecha N, Singh J, Clark MA, Verweij JJ, Adegnika AA, Severini C, Menegon M, Macete E, Menendez C, Cisteró P, Njie F, Affara M, Otieno K, Kariuki S, ter Kuile FO, Meshnick SR. A quality control program within a clinical trial consortium for PCR protocols to detect Plasmodium J Clin Microbiol 2014; 52: 2144. PMCID: PMC4042732
- Patel JC, Taylor SM, Juliao PC, Parobek CM, Janko M, Demetrio Gonzalez L, Ortiz L, Padilla N, Tshefu AK, Emch M, Udhayakumar V, Lindblade K, Meshnick SR. Genetic evidence of drug-resistant malarial strain from the Democratic Republic of the Congo imported to Guatemala. Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20: 932. PMCID: PMC4036788
- Parobek CM, Jiang L, Patel JC, Alvarez-Martinez M, Miro J, Worodria W, Andama A, Fong S, Huang L, Meshnick SR, Taylor SM, Juliano JJ. A multilocus microsatellite genotyping array to investigate the genetic epidemiology of Pneumocystis jirovecii. J Clin Microbiol 2014; 52: 1391. PMCID: PMC3993678
- Taylor SM, Fairhurst RM. Malaria parasites and red cell variants: When a house is not a home. Curr Opin Hematol 2014; 21: 193. PMCID: PMC4083250
- Coulibaly SO, Kayentao K, Taylor S, Guirou EA, Khairallah C, Guindo N, Djimde M, Bationo R, Soulama A, Dabira E, Barry B, Niangaly M, Diakite H, Konate S, Keita N, Traore B, Meshnick SR, Magnussen P, Doumbo OK, ter Kuile FO. Parasite clearance following treatment with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment in Burkina-Faso and Mali: 42-day in vivo follow-up study. Malaria J 2014; 13: 41. PMCID: PMC3914849
- Antonia AL, Taylor SM, Janko M, Emch M, Tshefu AK, Meshnick SR. A cross-sectional survey of Plasmodium falciparum pfcrt mutant haplotypes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Amer J Trop Med Hyg 2014; 90: 1094. PMCID: PMC4047734
- Messina JP, Mwandagalirwa K, Taylor SM, Emch M, Meshnick SR. Spatial and social factors drive anemia in Congolese women. Health Place 2013; 24c: 54. PMCID: PMC4801186
- Taylor SM, Parobek CM, Aragam N, Ngasala BE, Mårtensson A, Meshnick SR, Juliano JJ. Pooled deep sequencing of Plasmodium falciparum isolates: an efficient and scalable tool to quantify prevailing malaria drug-resistance genotypes. J Infect Dis 2013; 208: 1998. PMCID: PMC3836461
- Taylor SM, Cerami C, Fairhurst RM. Hemoglobinopathies: Slicing the Gordian knot of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Pathogenesis. Plos Pathog 2013; 9: e1003327. PMCID: PMC3656091
- Yoon C, Subramanian A, Chi A, Crothers K, Meshnick SR, Taylor S, Beard CB, Jarlsberg L, Lawrence G, Avery M, Swartzman A, Fong S, Roth B, Huang L. Dihydropteroate synthase mutations in Pneumocystis pneumonia: Impact of applying different definitions of prophylaxis, mortality endpoints and mutant in a single cohort. Med Mycol 2013; 51: 568-75. PMCID: PMC4008324
- Taylor SM, Antonia AL, Parobek CM, Juliano JJ, Janko M, Emch M, Alam MT, Udhayakumar V, Tshefu AK, Meshnick SR. Plasmodium falciparum sulfadoxine resistance is geographically and genetically clustered within the DR Congo. Sci Rep 2013; 3: 1165. PMCID: PMC3558697
- Lin JT, Mbewe B, Taylor SM, Luntamo M, Meshnick SR, Ashorn P. Increased prevalence of dhfr and dhps mutants at delivery in Malawian pregnant women receiving intermittent preventive treatment for malaria. Trop Med Internat Health 2013; 18: 175-8. PMCID: PMC3553254
- Taylor SM, Meshnick SR, Worodria W, Andama A, Cattamanchi A, Davis JL, Yoo SD, Byanyima P, Kaswabuli S, Goodman CD, Huang L. Low prevalence of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) but high prevalence of Pneumocystis dihydropteroate synthase (dhps) gene mutations in HIV-infected persons in Uganda. PLoS ONE 2012; 7: e49991. PMCID: PMC3500344
- Taylor SM, Parobek CM, Fairhurst RM. Haemoglobinopathies and the clinical epidemiology of malaria: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis 2012; 12: 457. PMCID: PMC3404513
- Taylor SM, Antonia AL, Chaluluka E, Mwapasa V, Feng G, Molyneux ME, ter Kuile FO, Meshnick SR, Rogerson SJ. Antenatal receipt of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine does not exacerbate pregnancy-associated malaria despite the expansion of drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum: clinical outcomes from the QuEERPAM study. Clin Infect Dis 2012; 55: 42. PMCID: PMC3520448
- Taylor SM, Antonia AL, Feng G, Mwapasa, V, Chaluluka E, Molyneux ME, ter Kuile FO, Rogerson SJ, Meshnick SR. Adaptive evolution and fixation of drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum genotypes in pregnancy-associated malaria: 9-year results from the QuEERPAM study. Infect Genet Evol 2012; 12: 282. PMCID: PMC3293939
- Taylor SM, Meshnick SR, Worodria W, Andama A, Davis JL, Cattamanchi A, den Boon S, Yoo SD, Goodman CD, Huang L. Low prevalence of Pneumocystis jirovecii lung colonization in Ugandan HIV-infected patients hospitalized with non-Pneumocystis pneumonia. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2012; 72(2): 139. PMCID: PMC3308345
- Taylor SM, van Eijk AM, Hand CC, Mwandagalirwa K, Messina JP, Tshefu AK, Atua B, Emch M, Muwonga J, Meshnick SR, ter Kuile FO. Quantification of the burden and consequences of pregnancy-associated malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. J Infect Dis 2011; 204 (11): 1762. PMCID: PMC3635529
- Mumba D, Bohorquez E, Messina J, Kane V, Taylor SM, Tshefu AK, Muwonga J, Kashamuka MM, Emch M, Tidwell R, Buscher P, Meshnick SR. Prevalence of Human African Trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2011; 5(8): e1246. PMCID: PMC3149009
- Messina JP, Taylor SM, Meshnick SR, Linke AM, Tshefu AK, Atua B, Mwandagalirwa K, Emch M. Population, behavioural and environmental drivers of malaria prevalence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Malaria J 2011; 10: 161. PMCID: PMC3146438
- Taylor SM, Messina J, Hand CC, Juliano JJ, Tshefu AK, Muwonga J, Atua B, Emch M, Meshnick SR. Malaria molecular epidemiology: Mapping and burden estimates for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2007. PLos ONE 2011; 6: e16420. PMCID: PMC3031549
- Taylor SM, Molyneux ME, Simel DL, Meshnick SR, Juliano JJ. Does this patient have malaria? JAMA 2010; 304: 2048.
- Rantala AM, Taylor SM, Trottman PA, Luntamo M, Mbewe B, Maleta K, Kulmala T, Ashorn P, Meshnick SR. Comparison of real-time PCR and microscopy for malaria parasite detection in Malawian pregnant women. Malaria J 2010; 9: 269. PMCID: PMC2984567
- Taylor SM, Wolfe CR, Dixon TC, Ruch DA, Cox GM. Wound botulism complicating the internal fixation of a complex radial fracture. J Clin Microbiol 2010; 48: 650. PMCID: PMC2815637
- Taylor SM, Juliano JJ, Trottman PA, Griffin JB, Landis SH, Kitsa P, Tshefu AK, Meshnick SR. A high-throughput pooling and real-time PCR-based strategy for malaria detection. J Clin Microbiol 2010; 48: 512. PMCID: PMC2815636
Non-peer-reviewed papers
- Taylor SM, ter Kuile FO. Stillbirths: the hidden burden of malaria in pregnancy. Lancet Glob Health 2017; 5: e1052. [Commentary]
- ter Kuile FO, Taylor SM. Gilding the lily? Enhancing antenatal malaria prevention in HIV-infected women. J Infect Dis 2017; 216: 4. [Editorial]
- Gutman J, Taylor S, Meshnick SR, ter Kuile FO. Reply to Harrington et al. J Infect Dis 2015 [in press]
- Taylor SM and Juliano JJ. Artemisinin combination therapies and malaria parasite drug resistance: The game is afoot. J Infect Dis 2014; 210: 335. [Editorial]
- Taylor SM, Antonia A, Mwapasa V, Feng G, Molyneux ME, ter Kuile FO, Meshnick SR, Rogerson SJ. Reply to Harrington et al. Clin Infect Dis 2012; 55: 1026-7. [Letter]
- Taylor SM, Juliano JJ, Meshnick SR. Artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum N Engl J Med 2009; 361: 1807-8. [Letter]
- Juliano JJ, Taylor SM, Meshnick SR. PCR-adjustment in antimalarial trials – Molecular malarkey? J Infect Dis 2009; 200: 5. [Editorial]
Book chapters
- Ngo HT, Gandra N, Fales AM, Taylor SM, Vo-Dinh V (2016) Sensitive DNA Detection and SNP Identification using Ultrabright SERS Nanorattles and Magnetic Beads for in vitro Diagnostics. In: T. Vo-Dinh (Ed.), Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine. New York: CRC Press.
- Taylor SM, Meshnick SR (2011). Pneumocystis. In: D. Liu (Ed.), Molecular Detection of Human Fungal Pathogens. New York: CRC Press.
“Malaria Pathophysiology“, Steve Taylor for
“Hemoglobin disorders: Slicing the Gordian knot of falciparum malaria“, Steve Taylor for DGHI
“Does this patient have malaria?“, Steve Taylor for JAMAevidence
“Clinical and molecular impact of drug resistant malaria parasites” (Prezi), Steve Taylor for Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds, Dec 2014
“Battling malaria from afar with clinical research, bench science, and global allies“, Duke MedicineNews, Aug 2017