First Announcement!

By | November 3, 2014

Announcement of Duke Conference on Probability Theory and Combinatorial Optimization

We are pleased to announce the upcoming conference on “Probability Theory and Combinatorial Optimization” that will take place at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business on Saturday March 14 and Sunday March 15, 2015.

The conference will provide an opportunity to honor Mike Steele’s contributions to probability theory and combinatorial optimization in occasion of his 65th birthday.

The list of invited speakers is as follows:

–    David Aldous (University of California, Berkeley)
–    Sourav Chatterjee (Stanford University)
–    Luc Devroye (McGill University)
–    James A. Fill (The Johns Hopkins University)
–    David Gamarnik (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
–    Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University)
–    Alexander (Sasha) Rakhlin (University of Pennsylvania)
–    Sneha Subramanian (University of California, Irvine)
–    Ruth J. Williams (University of California, San Diego)
–    Joseph E. Yukich (Lehigh University)
–    and… J. Michael Steele (University of Pennsylvania)

The conference is co-sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. More information can be found at

The Organizing Committee
Alessandro Arlotto (Duke)
Shankar Bhamidi (UNC)
Vladimir Pozdnyakov (Uconn)