Why the H in STEAHM

H stands for Humanities!

STEAM  is acronym that combines STEM- Science/ Technology/ Engineering/ Mathematics and Art.  “Art” doesn’t provide a complete and holistic understanding of all of the interdisciplinary “right brained” schools.

Jules-Odendahl James, humanities professor at Duke University, pioneered humanities inclusion in STEAM, now STEAHM.  Jordan Anderson, MA Science Policy, interviewed Jules about why she encouraged distinguishing Art and Humanities in the STEM + Art initiative.

Some scientists have theorized that the right brain governs imagination, intuition, arts, visualization, and dreaming; while the left brain governs logic, sequencing, math, facts, and vocabulary.

STEAM recognizes that the mind is an interconnected network that uses all areas of the brain when thinking and acting but does distinguish arts from humanities.

The humanities are more focused on academic fields in which the human condition is prioritized and arts are more focused on human works.