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Please begin by reviewing the Getting Started Doc. The following represents a tentative schedule for the semester and is subject to change. Assignments are due by 11:59 pm on the scheduled day and accepted late for a small penalty for up to 72 hours after the deadline.

1Th 1/11L01Algorithms, Data Structures, and Asymptotic AnalysisErickson 0
Start Guide
2M 1/15No meetingMLK DAY
Tu 1/16L02Proof by Induction and AlgorithmsErickson Appendix I
Start Guide
Th 1/18L03Recursive Algorithms and Recurrence RelationsErickson Appendix II
Start Guide
3M 1/22R01Introduction and Background
Tu 1/23L04Divide & Conquer I: Mergesort and Solving RecurrencesErickson 1
Th 1/25L05Divide & Conquer II: Quicksort and RandomizationErickson 1HW 1 Introduction
4M 1/29R02D & C
Tu 1/30L06Parallel Algorithms I: Concepts and AnalysisCLRS 27 (on Canvas)
Th 2/1L07Parallel Algorithms II: Algorithm DesignCLRS 27 (on Canvas)HW 2 Divide & Conquer
5M 2/5R03Parallel
Tu 2/6L08Dynamic Programming I: Memoization and Sequence AlignmentErickson 3
Th 2/8L09Dynamic Programming II: Knapsack and Chain Matrix MultiplicationErickson 3HW 3 Parallel Algorithms
6M 2/12R04DP
Tu 2/13L10Depth-First Search I: Graphs, Paths, Connected ComponentsErickson 5 and 6
Th 2/15L11Depth-First Search 2: Topological Sort, Strongly Connected ComponentsErickson 6HW 4 Dynamic Programming
7M 2/19R05DFS
Tu 2/20L12Shortest Paths I: Breadth-First SearchErickson 8
Th 2/22L13Shortest Paths II: Nonnegative Weights and DijkstraErickson 8 and 9HW 5 Depth-First Search
8M 2/26R06Midterm Review
Tu 2/27L14MIDTERM EXAM (L01-11)
Th 2/29L15Shortest Path III: Dynamic Programming, and Midterm Debrief
9M 3/4R07Shortest Paths
Tu 3/5L16Greedy I: Minimum Spanning TreeErickson 7
Th 3/7L17Greedy II: SchedulingErickson 4HW 6 Shortest Paths
10M 3/11No meetingSPRING BREAK
Tu 3/12No meetingSPRING BREAK
Th 3/14No meetingSPRING BREAK
11M 3/18R08Greedy
Tu 3/19L18Flows and Cuts I: Max-flow, Min-cut, Ford-FulkersonErickson 10
Th 3/21L19Cuts and Flows II: Computing, Reductions, ApplicationsErickson 10 and 11HW 7 Greedy
12M 3/25R09Cuts and flows
Tu 3/26L20Hardness I: Complexity Classes and NP-CompletenessErickson 12
Th 3/28L21Hardness II: NP-Complete Problems and ReductionsErickson 12HW 8 Cuts and Flows
13M 4/1R10Hardness
Tu 4/2L22Approximation Algorithms I: Scheduling, Traveling SalespersonErickson J
Th 4/4L23Approximation Algorithms II: ClusteringErickson JHW 9 Hardness
14M 4/8R11Approximation
Tu 4/9L24Randomized Algorithms I: Graph Min CutErickson DC 8 and 5
Th 4/11L25Randomized Algorithms II: Karger-Stein and HashingErickson DC 5 and 6HW 10 Approximation Algorithms
15M 4/15R12Lateterm Exam Review
Tu 4/16L26LATETERM EXAM (L12--23)
Th 4/18L27Randomized Algorithms III: Hashing and Sketching
16M 4/22R13Final Exam Review
Tu 4/23L28The EndErickson H and I
Th 4/25No meetingReading Period
17M 4/29No meetingReading Period
Tu 4/30No meetingReading Period
Th 5/2No meetingReading Period
F 5/3ExamFINAL EXAM 2-5 PM