New Software Release: SPSS Amos 21

SPSS Amos 21 is now available for purchase.

If you already have a license for SPSS Amos on your computer (purchased after April 1, 2012), you may upgrade to the newest version at no cost.  If you purchased your software online with a credit card, visit the OIT Software website and click ‘View software you have ordered’.  Log in with the netID used to purchase the software, and you will be able to scroll down to your SPSS Amos order and view the activation key and software download for the newest version.

If you purchased offline, for example with IR or credit card at the Link, send your ticket number to, and we will send you the latest version via e-mail.

New licenses for SPSS Amos may be purchased for $50 per computer.  All SPSS Amos software purchased through Duke OIT expires on July 1, 2013.

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