Dr. Kristin Huffman, Lecturing Fellow of Early Modern Art History
Kristin Huffman is a Lecturing Fellow in the Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies at Duke University. Her current research focuses on the uses and configurations of space for the visual arts, in particular, the spatial relationships formed in early modern Venice. Her interest in reconstructing altered or demolished structures led her to work with the Wired! Lab at Duke as well as Visualizing Venice, an international research consortium. She is currently directing two multi-media exhibition projects, including A Portrait of Venice: Jacopo de’ Barbari’s View of 1500, part of a permanent re-installation at the Correr Museum in Venice, Italy, and Senses of Venice for Duke Libraries.
Bradford Lewis, Producer & Director of Animated Films
Brad Lewis has produced and directed acclaimed animated movies for Pixar, Dreamworks, and Warner Brothers Animation Group. Films include Antz, Cars 2, Storks, Lego Batman Movie and the Oscar-winning Ratatouille. Most recently he worked on the finale to the trilogy, How to Train Your Dragon 3 (2019). Passionate for the arts, he has past experiences as an actor, musician, and stage designer. In addition, he has contributed to local politics, serving as Mayor of San Carlos, California. His interest in sharing his range of expertise and mentoring undergraduate students brought him to Duke University beginning in 2017 where he has been collaborating on Senses of Venice, an exhibition project for which he has shared his passion for compelling storytelling using new technologies.
Noah Michaud, Undergraduate Research Fellow
Noah Michaud is a Duke junior majoring in Art History, concentrating in Museum Studies and pursuing a certificate in Ethics & Society. He was first introduced to the Wired! Lab in the fall of 2017 as a student through the course Splendor of Renaissance Venice. On Senses of Venice, Noah synthesizes much of the research informing the project, networks important relationships between historical figures and places mentioned in the literature, and supplies informational resources for 3D modeling.
Angela Tawfik, Undergraduate Research Fellow
Angela Tawfik, T ’19, double majored in Psychology and Art History & Visual Arts. She began working at the Wired! Lab her sophomore year, when she joined the Mapping Stereotomy project. Currently, she is a member of the Senses of Venice project, wherein she is heavily involved in animating portions of the map and developing the stories of eighteenth-century historical Venetian characters.
Daphne Turan, Undergraduate Research Fellow
Daphne Turan is a junior from Istanbul, Turkey, majoring in Art History with a Concentration in Museum Theory and Practice and minoring in Neuroscience and Economics. She became involved with the Wired! Lab the spring of her freshman year. On Senses of Venice she is involved in the Photoshop component of the project and has worked to colorize the many elaborate and diverse gardens that appear throughout the image.
Mary Kate Weggeland, Undergraduate Research Fellow
A Duke alum, T ’19, Mary Kate Weggeland majored in Art History: Museum Theory and Practice, minored in French Studies, and earned a certificate in Markets and Management Studies. She has been working with the Wired! Lab since her freshman year. In her research position, she has contributed to various projects in the lab, including A Portrait of Venice, Statues Speak, and now Senses of Venice.