Some Recommendations for Surgery

For this project, Caterina collaborated with an anonymous friend to represent aspects of their experiences of medical care. This friend has undergone two major surgical interventions in recent years and so their discussions with Caterina centered on these moments and the subsequent recovery from each surgery. In this poem, Caterina has tried to capture the organized, clear thinking of her collaborator as they thought critically about their medical care. It is a piece centered on reflection on personal experience but also on turning forward with an eye towards how to deal with difficult health challenges in the future.

About the Artist: Caterina Baffa

Caterina Baffa is entering the second year of her Master of Theological Studies at Duke Divinity School. She is also a fellow of the Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity. Her research interests focus on theological and medical ethics, including topics such as end-of-life care and the use of developing technologies. In her free time, she enjoys dancing (poorly), reading, cooking, and grabbing boba with her sisters or friends.