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Early Spanish Keyboard Music, a harpsichord LP first issued by the Musical Heritage Society in 1983 and long out of print, is now available as a free MP3 download.


Click on the titles below to hear the MP3 tracks:

Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566)

 Tiento sobre Qui la dira

Diferencias sobre la Pavana Italiana

 Tiento I 

Diferencias sobre la Gallarda Milanesa

Sebastián Aguilera de Heredia (1561-1627)

 Tiento grande

Juan Cabanilles (1644-1712)

 Tocata IV


Tiento por Alamire

Gallardas I

Mendelssohn, Brahms and 17th Century Spain, an organ  LP released on the Gothic label in 1982, is also available as a free MP3 download.


Click on the titles below to hear the MP3 tracks:

Juan Cabanilles (1644-1712)

Tocata IV (5° tono) 

Tiento de falsas (4° tono)

 Sebastián Aguilera de Heredia (c1565-1627)

Tiento [grande] de 4° tono

Francisco Correa de Arauxo (1584-1654)

Tiento de medio registro de tiple (10° tono)

Sebastián Durón (1660-1716)

Gaitilla de mano izquierda

Anonymous (late 17th century)

Batalla (5° tono)

Batalla (5° tono)

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

Prelude in G Minor

Fugue in G Minor

Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)

Fugue in F Minor (deleted from original LP)

Sonata in F Minor, Op. 65, No. 1

Allegro moderato e serioso


Andante Recitativo

Allegro assai vivace