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Week 1 Update

We talked to several people to get a better scope of the issue at hand, and came away with a few key insights.



TSgt Christina LaRiccia | 940-923-4219

  • Emphasized the necessity of Red Cross Volunteers for the pharmacy to function despite issues
  • Pharmacy is regularly understaffed, especially at peak hours (lunch)
  • Lack of experienced employees/volunteers, especially since new retirement rules implemented

TSgt Perez | 201-233-1577

  • Manages QFlow system, calculates wait time and displays for patients
  • Some volunteers are unable or unwilling to use QFlow causing delays, also sometimes issues with other systems
  • Clinic has 4 non-integrated systems running simultaneously (AHLTA, CHCS, QFlow, GSL)


Hazel Huffman | 937-499-4151

  • Volunteers at pharmacy and manages, hires Red Cross Volunteers
  • Notes confusion between separated windows for refill, filling prescriptions
  • Notes the lack of manpower behind the counter, and feels that hiring more volunteers/training the current volunteers would help solve the issue

Jay Killian | 919-988-1005

  • Volunteer who spends time prepacking, distributing medication at windows
  • Noted the lack of synchronicity between GSL, CHCS computer systems
  • Frustrated over fluctuating wait times throughout the day despite notifying patients of shorter wait times at earlier hours


Melvin Hudgins Sr, SFC | 919-920-4379

  • Retired former Army Officer, worked in logistics and supply management at SJAFB
  • Frustrated with long wait times, especially when active duty service members are prioritized
  • Recommends dedicated window for active duty, separate windows for retirees/community

Mrs. Nailor Thompson | 706-718-6656

  • Wait times consistently >1 hour, even at off-peak hours in morning/evening
  • Duties are rotated hourly for volunteers, which can disrupt the flow of work
  • Patient flow is an issue, with confusing lines and people all over


Shelton Louie (GSL)

  • GSL products were designed to maximize patient safety, automate rote tasks, eliminate shrink loss/theft, and allow non-pharmacists to conduct minor tasks
  • RFID cabinets maximize accountability and reduces picking/bundling errors
  • Several big name clients in the military and civilian space


Walgreens – Brad M. | 919-433-6255

  • Biggest bottlenecks are in contacting insurance, financial info
  • Fills emergency orders first, the rest are filled based on pick up time

Rite-Aid – Ryon Chao | 919-389-5341

  • Transfer to new computer system has created major disruptions to workflow
  • Major issue is Pharm Tech training, especially in transcribing phone calls to computer
  • Recommends imposing hierarchy of roles, but not strict distinction (ie Primary phone handler, then a secondary handler in case the first is busy)


The problem sheet we received from the Air Force at the end of last semester seemed to indicate issues with the workflow, physical layout, and technical (e.g. UI/UX issues) with the software and hardware the pharmacy staff used behind the counter. As we progressed through the beneficiary discovery phase, we began to realize the problem had significantly changed since Seymour Johnson AFB had submitted the problem to H4D. Though some of the pharmacy’s issues had been resolved with time in the new facility, a number of new issues have also sprouted up since then. Some of these issues had to do with chronic understaffing of the pharmacy team, new systems, new workflow, and a high proportion of retired patients coming from off-base clinics.


At the end of this week, we are determined to expand our list of beneficiary contacts. We intend to speak with more of the same people, such as pharmacy techs and patients. However, we also plan on speaking with new categories of people, as well. We intend on interviewing the vendors who provide the pharmacy’s hardware and software systems to better understand their products and the role their products play in the workflow. We would also like to better understand how these products work in cohesion and the staff’s experience using them. We also intend on speaking with base leadership to better understand our capacity to affect change in the workflow and workspace. Next steps also include obtaining a better understanding of how the pharmacy’s multiple, siloed systems interact and play into the workflow, either through video or other visual aid. This will give insight into treatable inefficiencies in the workflow, if there are any. Now that we have an updated and better grasp on the problem at hand, we will also begin asking beneficiaries, such as patients and techs, about their sentiments on a product with the capabilities of our MVP.

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