Spring 2022 Pre-PT Events

Hi Everyone! Here is a list of the events lined up for the spring 2022 semester:
January 26th, 7PM – Panel with Duke DPT School Professors – virtual
This will be a great chance to ask DPT professors about PT school, the classes they teach, what makes a student successful at PT, etc. Panelists TBA
Zoom link: https://duke.zoom.us/j/92210770209?pwd=SGpwWmxRM091UHA5RXhvV0N1L2YwQT09
Meeting ID: 922 1077 0209
Passcode: 306422
February 16th, 7PM – Panel with Duke grads who went to other PT schools – virtual
Panelists TBA
Zoom link: https://duke.zoom.us/j/95695423477?pwd=TDJBbU1vUnlJeDJOSy9tQXJ0b0gyQT09
Meeting ID: 956 9542 3477
Passcode: DukePrePT
March 23rd, 7PM – Pre-PT Bookbagging, Application, and GRE prep Q+A – in person, location TBA
Come ask questions about what classes to take to fulfill prerequisites, tips on submitting PT school applications, as well as tips on GRE test prep
April (date and time TBA) – K-Lab Tour
The K-Lab is a research facility at Duke that studies human performance and sports medicine, particularly relating to injury prevention and rehabilitation. Find out more here: https://ortho.duke.edu/research/core-research-facilities/michael-w-krzyzewski-human-performance-laboratory-k-lab

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