Amahl Bishara

Amahl Bishara

Posting While Palestinian: Shifting Bounds For Expression in the West Bank and Israel
October 26, 2017

Amahl A. Bishara is an associate professor of anthropology at Tufts University whose work revolves around expression, space, media, and settler colonialism. She is the author of Back Stories: U.S. News Production and Palestinian Politics (Stanford University Press, 2013) and the director of the documentary Degrees of Incarceration (2010).

She is currently working on two book projects, the first of which examines the relationship between Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians in the West Bank. Her second project underway focuses on Palestinian popular politics in a West Bank refugee camp.

She is also a regular contributer to such outlets as Jadaliyya, Middle East Report, and has been involved with the production of bilingual Arabic and English children’s books about refugee lives, including The Boy and the Wall.