2016 Duke AHEAD Grant Funding Available
Letter of Intent Due: June 8, 2016 (12:00 pm)
Full Proposal Due: August 10, 2016
We are very pleased to offer project funding for members of Duke AHEAD. This funding is intended to provide critical start up support for projects aimed at improving health professions education through innovative approaches to instruction or assessment.
Eligibility: Duke University School of Medicine and School of Nursing faculty who are Duke AHEAD members. Membership information can be found here. Trainees and students may be included as collaborators. One faculty member must be designated as the Principal Investigator/ point person. The Principal Investigator must provide a letter of support from his/her department chair or other equivalent chief of service or supervisor who most directly oversees his/her career advancement.
Letters of Intent with proposed budget are due by June 8 at noon. Feedback from reviewers will be provided by July 29, 2016 and the full proposal will be due by August 10, 2016. Recipients will be notified beforehand and will be recognized at a presentation at Duke AHEAD’s Health Professions Education Day, September 13, 2016. Funds will be available on 11/1/16. Reviews will be performed by a subcommittee of the Duke AHEAD steering committee and prior grant recipients and evaluated according to alignment with the mission and goals of Duke AHEAD including:
– strength of professional development plan for educators
– interprofessional collaboration
– depth of collaboration (interdepartmental, interprofessional, vertical across learners)
– rigor of assessment plan (outcomes)
– broader impacts (collateral benefits beyond study/project participants)
– potential sustainability of project
– potential for scholarship
– organization and quality of proposal
– dissemination plan
Three Projects will be funded in amounts up to $10,000. Four projects will be funded for up to $5,000. Support will be limited to resources and services necessary for project implementation with up to 25% of the total budget to allow for PI support if necessary. The grant review committee does reserve the right to redistribute funds based on number of applications received.
This year both the letter of intent and full submission will be submitted electronically. A template of the submission can be found here. Please submit the final LOI here. The submission site will close at 12:01 pm on June 8 and no late submissions will be accepted. You will receive confirmation that your application was received. If you have not received confirmation within 24 hours, email dukeahead@dm.duke.edu. Applicants will be notified with feedback on or before June 29, 2016.