Duke Orthopaedics Department,
I want to bring an important action that is required by all Duke employees and will have a negative impact on your benefits if not completed in the timeframe provided. By now you should have received a Dependent Verification Packet at your home address on file. The verification process is simple. The packet shows which dependents you’ll need to verify and what information you’ll need to submit. You can submit your documentation through Duke@Work and the whole process should take less than 5 minutes or you can mail in the Verification Form and required documentation.
The purpose of this exercise is to control the rising costs of health care by ensuring the Duke benefits plan is not paying claims for ineligible dependents. The Dependent Eligibility Verification process began the end of August and will run through late November.
A couple of key points:
- If you haven’t received your packet by Monday, 10/12, please check your address on Duke@Work (work.duke.edu). Click on the “My Info” tab and then the “My Profile” link. If your address is incorrect, please update it. The update will be sent to the Xerox (the company handling the verification process) and they will automatically send you a new packet. Please note: you DO NOT need a packet to complete this process. It can be done through Duke@Work -> “My Info” -> “My Benefits” -> “Dependent Verification”.
- The “snapshot” date for this mailing was July 17th. If you signed up for medical coverage after 7/17, you will not receive a packet.
- The verification process is only for dependents on medical coverage. If you don’t have dependents on your medical coverage, you will not receive a packet. Dental and Vision is not included in the audit.
- You must complete the verification process by November 6th or your dependents, eligible or not, will be dropped as of 12/31/2015.
- This is a completely separate process from Open Enrollment which will be October 26th to November 6th. Open Enrollment is when you can change your benefit plans and re-elect reimbursement account amounts. The Dependent Verification process is an audit to make sure that the dependents you are covering on your medical plan are eligible to be covered.
PLEASE do not put this off. Once you gather the required documentation, the verification process will take you very little time. However, if you miss the deadline, there will not be any exceptions made.
Key Timelines:
September 3rd – Formal eligibility verification packet mailed to homes, employees have 60 days to respond
December 31st – Coverage cancelled for ineligible dependents and non-respondents (Other health insurance for 2016 may include healthcare exchange or NC Health Choice Plan for Children)
Duke Human Resources has partnered with Xerox HR Solutions in conducting this initiative. If you have any questions about the process or eligibility, please contact the Xerox Helpline at 1-844-863-8561 (Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. (EST).