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DOCR – OnCore System

The OnCore System
What is OnCore?

  • OnCore is the Clinical Research Management System (CRMS) that supports clinical research activities at Duke (Duke Office of Clinical Research, DOCR).
  • OnCore provides enhanced clinical research study management, robust reporting, enrollment tracking, and accurate clinical research billing.
  • OnCore Training: All studies, including exempt research, are linked to OnCore. When a study involves subject accrual registration, PIs must complete PI training in OnCore (OnCore PI Essentials by DOCR). PIs MUST complete OnCore Training for the Clinical Research Coordinator in order to request the OnCore account. In addition, you must complete the OnCore Training for the Regulatory Coordinator which is needed to complete the minimum footprint to register subjects.
    All team members, (PI’s, CRCs, Regulatory Coordinators, Financial Staff, and other research roles) must complete eLearning and request an account to begin using OnCore.

    Detailed OnCore Training information and links can be found on the DOCR OnCore Training Support page. Multiple pieces of training will be required if you plan to perform multiple roles in OnCore.

    • Everyone on key personnel must take the OnCore Basic Navigation first.
    • Principal Investigator essentials are optional for PIs. This does not allow you to enter subjects or update the study – you will need to take additional training for these roles.
    • If you will enter and update subject information in OnCore, you are required to take OnCore Training for the Clinical Research Coordinator.
    • If you will enter data for the minimum footprint and update the study status, you are required to take Regulatory Coordinator training.
    • Participants will need to pass with an assessment of 80% or greater to be marked “complete.”

    Once you have completed all required training, submit a Service Now ticket to request an OnCore account.

    How to submit a ticket for OnCore account access
    • Go to the Service Now website
    • Click on the yellow “Get It” box
    • Select Accounts & Access under the blue “Categories” bar
    • Select “Account Access Order Guide”
    • Put your own name in the box for “Requested by” and also in the box for “Requested for.”
    • The approving manager box may automatically populate with information. You should remove the name in the approving manager box and type in either Sue Hunter or Caroline Bishop. This will route the approval request correctly.
    • Under “Type of Request” select “New” or “Change” if adding additional roles
    • Select “OnCore” under Enterprise Services, then click the blue Next box
    • To the right of *Options, click on the down arrow to expand
    • Select “School of Nursing” in the CRU box
    • Under “Options,” select the roles you are requesting, then click the blue “Next” box
    • If you select Principal Investigator access, a mandatory field will appear for NPI. If you have an NPI, enter it. If you do not have an NPI, enter any 10 digits and a note in “Additional Comments” to indicate N/A.
    • Submit your request by clicking on the blue “Request Now” box

    *Note that our School of Nursing Regulatory staff will enter the minimum footprint for all Nursing QI exempt studies but the PI and/or research team will need to enter all other study accrual information for Research studies.